Minimum Wage… Fake!

to witness the discussion- być świadkiem/ śledzić dyskusję

to raise the minimum wage- podwyższyć płacę minimalną, 

to increase the burden- zwiększyć obciążenia,

a retailer- sprzedawca (zwykle: sklep, firma sieciowa, etc.),

a service provider- usługodawca,

food processing industry- przemysł spożywczy

labour costs- koszty pracy,

a billion- miliard,

a benefit- zasiłek/ dodatek,

staff discounts- zniżki/ rabaty dla pracowników,

pension fees- składki emerytalne,

efficiency- wydajność.

We are witnessing the discussion  in Poland on whether to raise the minimum wage and increase the burdens for the employers… I’s good to read the experience of others and listen to the experts… In Great Britain the retailers and service providers cut a large amounts of jobs and raised the prices to compensate for the rising employment costs. Most affected (dotknięci)   are food processing industry and shops, hotels and restaurants, bars. Just to prove the scale of the problem, the labour costs of Tesco, the biggest UK retailer are 4.5 billion pounds, so every 1% increase of the labour costs amounts to (wynosi) … 45 million pounds a year. Another option for the employers will be reducing many benefits the workers enjoy: staff discounts, pension fees, etc. Also, the employers will seek (poszukiwać, dążyć do) higher efficiency and productivity from the employees, which will mean… more pressure on them.