
Phrasal Verbs (4Business 2)

Although the product didn’t make success at the beginning the team was not put __________ (nie zniechęcił się) and continued promoting it.


I am afraid we don’t have enough materials for all the participants to go __________ (wystarczająco dla wszystkich/ do rozdania/ wręczenia, etc.).


You didn’t answer the phone! You dint’t respond to the e-mails! So many clients were asking _________ you (wypytywali o Ciebie/ szukali Cię, etc.)!


It’s high time you got __________ to work if you want to keep that position! – Najwyższy czas abyś wziął się do pracy, jeśli chcesz zachować to stanowisko!


It seemed we were lost in negotiations but suddenly Mark came _________ __________ ( wysunął/ wystąpił z ….) a great solution which made negotiations easier.