Strawberries at Wimbledon:). Business Idioms (dostęp otwarty)


  • test perfectly- świetnie się sprawdzić

The sellers prefer to employ people who tested perfectly in the previous tournaments – Sprzedawcy wolą zatrudniać ludzi, którzy doskonale sprawdzili się w czasie poprzednich turniejów.


  • cherish tradition- kultywować tradycję

Strawberry is one of the Wimbledon’s symbols and the British cherish this tradition – Truskawka jest jednym z symbol Wimbledon i Brytyjczycy kultywują tę tradycję.


  • turn up at the terraces- pojawić się/ przyjść na trybuny

In summer thousands of spectators turn up at the Wimbledon terraces with the bowl of strawberries- Latem tysiące widzów pojawiają się na trybunach Wimledonu z miseczką truskawek.

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  • go back to the 1950s – sięga lat pięćdziesiątych / pochodzi z …
  • premium – najwyższa jakość
  • meet high expectations – sprostać najwyższym oczekiwaniom
  • confectionary shops – cukiernie

A cup of strawberries is a symbol of the most famous tennis tournament in the world. The story of cooperation between the hosts and some strawberry farmers goes back to the 1950s. Only the premium  berries are accepted… only the special British varieties which meet the high expectations. Some London confectionary shops  have been supplying the strawberry cakes for almost a century.

  • suppliers – dostawcy
  • obtain – otrzymać / uzyskać
  • turn up at the terraces – pojawić się na widowni
  • volume of orders – wartość / wielkość zamówienia
  • scone – babeczka

All the suppliers have to obtain the offcial license. At first, the contracts were on a much smaller scale but as the size of the tournament grew and more people turned up at the terraces, the volume of orders grew as well. The final orders arrive daily, in the late hours. And the team of workers is ready to bake overnight the delivery of 10 000 scones, all handmade, all perfectly round. The volume of the order depends on the day… in the final stages of the tournament more people come and spend longer hours, if it’s going to rain people will eat more, etc.

  • test perfectly – świetnie się sprawdzać
  • rush nights – gorące noce / szalone wieczory, etc.
  • word of mouth – marketing szeptany
  • cherish tradition – kultywować tradycję
  • take by surprise – zaskoczyć
  • crepe – naleśnik
  • don’t go together – nie pasują do siebie

There are many criteria on the basis of which the hosts estimate the consumption. The confectionaries never advertise for the staff: they want well-trained employees who tested perfectly in the rush night of the previous years. On the basis of the word of mouth they get over 40% of people returning. Wimbledon cherishes the tradition , and the suppliers are sometimes taken by surprise … when some years ago they wanted to introduce strawberry crepe… and they even set up a nice crepe operation… they found out that the crepes and British don’t go together.

Stars’ Fav Way to Eat Wimbledon Strawberries