Perfect Retirement…:)

Now, that’s the type of retirement many people would actually dream of…:

To what extent (do jakiego stopnia…) is that realistic…? Well, saving will be necessary, according to the experts quoted by USA Today. ‘Classify your expenses into three key categories: needs, nice-to-haves and emergency funds, says Matt Sadowsky, director of retirement at TD Ameritrade. This can help prepare you for what you want to spend, but can also help identify what you can afford to   (stać na…/ móc sobie pozwolić na) spend, he says. As you get closer to retirement, it’s important to review what you’ve saved, your budget and your goals. Do you need to cut back on (ograniczyć, ciąć wydatki na) nice-to-haves, like travel? Do you need to consider working longer?

You definitely need to plan…

Well, it also seems that working longer will be inevitable (nieuniknione/ konieczne/ niezbędne)… The British government is planning to increase the retirement age by six moths every year in order to prevent the health service crisis (zapobiec kryzysowi w służbie zdrowia) caused by the fact that we live longer and longer. According to the report published in Daily Telegraph, people who will stay at work longer will add 10% to their pensions with every year!

Prepared for the purpose of the business English language lesson, on the basis of the reports published in USA Today and Daily Telegraph as well as featured in CNN.