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Interview Question for Doctors/ Candidates for Doctors. Medicine (dostęp otwarty)

futuredoctor.net has recently published the list of questions which are obligatory for the candidates to the medical schools and medical post-graduate training in Australia. Here are some of them:

General views and ethical issues:

  • to go on strike – strajkować / rozpocząć strajk
  • rural areas – tereny pozamiejskie / prowincja
  • fetal tissue – tkanki pobrane od płodu
  • ‘pull the plug – “wyjąć wtyczkę”, dokonać eutanazji
  • terminally-ill – śmiertelnie chory
  • role-models – wzór postępowania/ wzór do naśladowania

If you had the power what changes would you make to our health-care system?

Is it ethical for the doctors to go on strike?

How would you attract doctors to the rural areas?

What is the difference between he Medicaid and Medicare?

Should fetal tissue be used to cure diseases (i.e. Parkinsson’s)?

Should the doctors be allowed to ‘pull the plug’ for the terminally-ill patients?

What are your ethical role-models?

Situational ethics:

  • life expectancy – przewidywana długość życia
  • under-age – niepełnoletni
  • a bleed – krwotok
  • approve – akceptować/ wspierać/ popierać
  • to admit to the hospital – przyjąć do szpitala

A 68-year-old woman is diagnosed with cancer. Her life expectancy is 6 months. How do you inform her?

A 34-year-old woman presents with AIDS and tells you, as his physician, that she does not want you to inform her husband. What do you do?

If you were the doctor and an under-age girl asked you to give/prescribe the pill without informing the parents, what would you do?

If the patient was dying from a bleed, would you transfuse blood if you knew they wouldn’t approve?

The night before the final exam your father has a heart attack and is admitted to the hospital, what do you do?

Personality-oriented questions:

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

What is the most important event that has ocurred to you in the last 6 months?

What would you do on your perfect day?

What would be your three wishes in reference to the health and well-being of your family?

Questions to the academics and graduates:

  • self-directed learning – samodzielna nauka, poza programem uniwersyteckim
  • accepted to … – przyjęty do …

What is/ was you favourite subject in the course of studies? Why?

How do you engage in the self-directed learning?

What is/ was your method of preparation for the exams? Give details.

How have you prepared to this interview? Tell us the details of your preparation procedure.

What will you do if you are not accepted to this school/ hospital-training?

Social skills and interests:

  • to assume the role – przyjąć… / wejść w rolę
  • internal need – wewnętrzna potrzeba 

Give evidence that you relate well with others.

Give an example of the leadership role that you have assumed.

Have you ever done any volunteer work? What was it? Why not- do you think you can do doctor’s job properly without the internal need to help others?

Stress related questions:

How do you handle stress?

What was the most stressful event in your life? How did you handle it?