Airlines: Ecology Sustainable Change. Business/ Aviation (4 Registered Users)

✒️Z pewnością dla wszystkich planujących prawniczy egzamin TOLES, biznesowy CEQB, a także FCE/ CAE/ TOEFL/ IELTS.


Wyrażanie ambicji, celów:

  • aim to … – stawiać sobie za cel, ambicję
  • set ambitious goals – stawiać ambitne cele
  • pursue goals and ambitions – realizować/ zmierzać do realizacji celów i ambicji
  • focus on … – skupiać się na / podkreślać znaczenie (synonim: highlight)
  • place … at the industry forefront – uznać …. za najważniejszy cel branży
  • commit onesef to … – zobowiązać się do …

Przykłady zdań

  1. Some airlines aim to be a net-zero emissions carrier by 2050, setting a series of environmental goals.
  2.  January 2022  calls the most ambitious carbon emissions goals of any airline group. These environmental goals refer to  Qantas, QantasLink, Jetstar, and Qantas Freight.
  3. There are already programs that are focused on cutting emissions. Environmental issues need to be placed at the industry forefront.
  4. Airlines contribute  2% of the world’s CO2 emissions and the industry commits itself  to halve emissions by 2050.

Przydatne wyrażenia:

  • zero emissions carrier
  • cut emmissions
  • carbon offset
  • environmental change
  • sustainable
  • reduce by …

Starting immediately, Qantas is going to do three things:

  1. double the number of flights included in the offset (carbon offset – równoważenie emisji związków węgla, „offset węglowy”)
  2. net emissions from 2022 onwards will be capped (począwszy od roku 2022)
  3. invest $50m over 10 years to help develop a sustainable aviation fuel industry (osiągnąć/ opracować/ wypracować/ rozwinąć przemysł ekologicznych paliw lotniczych).

Qantas CEO, Alan Joyce said:

“We have to look at what we’re spending money on, and how we manage the investments we are making that make the biggest contribution to environmental change … there’s sustainable aviation fuels and new aircraft technologies which have a real impact on this.”

Simple solutions:

  1. equipping  aircraft with lighter crockery and cutlery (equip with … – wyposażyć w …)
  2. cutting the use of plastics and reducing landfill (śmieci, odpady)

Big challenges:

  1. development of sustainable aviation fuel over the next ten years.  Some sustainable fuels can reduce carbon emissions by 80% compared to traditional jet fuel (reduce by … – zmniejszyć o …) 
  2. doing it commercially on full scale and not impacting other environmental concerns like taking away from food crops or increasing the cost of food crops (impact – wywierać wpływ na …) 
  3. enjoying the benefits of aviation: the economic activity, job creation, the connectivity, and the opportunities it gives people around the world (aktywność gospodarcza, tworzenie miejsc pracy) 

Opracowanie inspirowane wpisami i

Pilotless Planes Next Decade…? Business/ Aviation/ Technology (4 All Users)

  • slash fares – znacząco obniżyć ceny biletów/ opłat
  • prices drop by over 10 per cent – ceny spadną o ponad 10 procent
  • remove potential for pilot error – usunąć możliwość popełnienia błędu przez pilota

Passenger planes could be flown without a pilot in the next decade, according to a new study conducted by the investment banks.  Pilotless planes could save airlines £27 billion and slash fares for passengers, who could see prices drop by over 10 per cent.  The study predicts flights will be safer as the potential for pilot error will be removed.

  • remote controlled plane – zdalnie sterowany/ kontrolowany samolot
  • refuse to fly – odmówić lotu
  • two pilot set-up – zespół dwóch pilotów 

Air passengers, however, seem nervous about travelling in a remote controlled plane. More than half of the 8,000 people asked  by the investment bank UBS (54 per cent) said they would refuse to fly in a plane with no pilot, even if the flight cost less. Respondents between 18 and 34 and those who had a university degree were more willing to fly without a pilot.  UBS suggested that initially the traditional two pilot set-up will be reduced to one pilot on board and one pilot on the ground.

  • adopt technology to control aircraft – wykorzystać technologię do kierowania/ kontrolowania samolotu
  • basic building blocks of the technology – podstawowe “klocki” technologiczne

The basic technology to fly planes without pilots already exists. Military drones are operated remotely and the study says this technology could be adapted to control commercial aircraft. Boeing is set to test pilotless planes next year and the company’s vice president of product development, Mike Sinnett, said:

The basic building blocks of the technologyclearly are available.”

  • convinced – przekonany
  • we have concerns – mamy watpliwości/ obawiamy się

However, not everyone is so convinced by these technological developments. Steve Landells, BALPA flight safety specialist and former pilot, said:

We have concerns that in the excitement of this futuristic idea, some may be forgetting the reality of pilotless air travel. Automation in the cockpit is not a new thing – it already supports operations. However, every single day pilots have to intervene when the automatics don’t do what they’re supposed to”.

  • a human is still required to operate it – człowiek wciąż musi kierować/ obsługiwać/ nadzorować
  • it requires direct contact with the situation – wymaga to bezpośredniego kontaktu z sytuacją
  • diminished responsibility – obniżony poziom odpowiedzialności
  • diminished decision-making – obniżona możliwość podejmowania decyzji

“Computers can fail, and often do, and someone is still going to be needed to work that computer. Most of us own some sort of electronic device that can do amazing things – however, a human is still required to operate it. Pilot intervention will always be necessary, and because that requires direct contact with the situation, we don’t believe ‘pilotless flight’ will ever be a reality – what is more likely to happen is that the pilots are moved to the ground rather than being on board. We would question the safety of this, due to diminished responsibility and operational decision-making.”

  • 0:21′ the first step to the unmanned passenger planes – pierwszy krok w stronę bezzałogowych samolotów pasażerskich
  • 0:30′ profound shortage of/ in pilots – powszechny/ ogromny brak pilotów

Watch HERE the Film on the Pilotless Planes Prospect

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie artykułu: ‘Pilotless Planes Could be Possible by 2025’, opublikowanego na


90 seconds: Airplane Evacuation Procedures

How long does it take to evacuate an aircraft in an emergency?- Jak długo trwa ewakuacja pasażerów z samolotu w sytuacji awaryjnej? 

  1. evacuation slides- rynny ratunkowe/ trapy ewakuacyjne
  2. smoke-filled cabin- wypełniona dymem kabina
  3. _____ on fire- w ogniu/ w płomieniach
  4. blocked emergency exits- zablokowane drzwi bezpieczeństwa
  5. unusable- nienadające się do użytku
  6. infant- niemowlę

Every passenger and crew member, out of their seats and down the evacuation slides, starting from the time the emergency exits open to the time when the cabin is completely empty. In a smoke-filled cabin with the aircraft on fire, and possibly with some of the emergency exits blocked or unusable. Considering there are probably some wheelchair passengers on board, plus solo parents with babies and infants.

How about 90 seconds?

  1. achieve certification- otrzymać certyfikację/ dopuszczenie
  2. compliance- zgodność/ wypełnienie warunków, etc.
  3. perform demonstration- wykonać prezentację/ wykonać próbę, etc.

Because 90 seconds is the time required for an aircraft with more than 44 passengers’ seats to achieve certification.  To demonstrate compliance, an aircraft manufacturer must perform a full-scale evacuation demonstration, in darkness, with half the available exits blocked and with a gender mix as close as possible to that on a typical flight. Crew and passengers don’t know which exits will be blocked and all passengers and crew are expected to be out of the aircraft and on the ground within 90 seconds. If not, the aircraft can’t be certified as a commercial aircraft.


  1. numerous drills – liczne ćwiczenia
  2. rigorous training – rygorystyczne/ wymagające szkolenie
  3. burdened with _____  – obciążony _____(kimś/ czymś)
  4. get everyone on board safely off – bezpiecznie wyprowadzić wszystkich znajdujących się na pokładzie

It’s the result of numerous drills and rigorous training that many aircraft which are stricken by flames and smoke, just after coming to a halt  on the runway, burdened with passengers who are not in their prime, manage to get everyone on board safely off in something very close to 90 seconds.

Moduł językowy przygotowany na podstawie artykułu: AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES.


Bird Strike.

Dzisiaj w dziale lotnictwo materiał, który może zainteresować wszystkich, którzy korzystają z możliwości podniebnych podróży…

Animals, especially the birds,  are naturally attracted to the airfields…They offer wide spaces, limited presence of people, no buildings. They are easy to land and take off:))). If the animals interfere with the aircraft (zderzą się/ wejdą w kolizję)  at landing or take-off the consequences can be very serious. I.e. the aircraft may lose the thrust (stracić ciąg)  in both engines, the animals can literally kill the engines (dosłownie zniszczyć silniki) and thus bring deadly threat (sprowadzić śmiertelne niebezpieczeństwo)  to the aircraft and all people on board.  Even a single bird can cause engine ingestion (zatkanie/ wessanie przez slink) but a multiple strike (wielokrotne uderzenie) by the flock of birds is even more dangerous.

  1. What are the ways to avoid the interference with the animals? Wykorzystaj w odpowiedzi następujące wyrażenia: resistant windshield – odporna na uderzenia szyba przednia/ runway inspection- sprawdzenie pasa startowego/ ATIS information on increased birds activity- informacja ATIS na temat zwiększonej aktywności ptaków/ in the vicinity of the airport- w sąsiedztwie/ okolicy- lotniska
  2. What can the pilot do when he loses both engines during the take-off or cruise segments of the flight? Wykorzystaj w odpowiedzi następujące wyrażenia: unable to reach the scheduled destination- nice będący w stanie dotrzeć do wyznaczonego/ zaplanowanego lotniska, ask ATC to be diverted (skierowany) to the nearest airport/ glide/
  3. On which stage of the flight the interference with birds is the most dangerous, why? Wykorzystaj w odpowiedzi yrażenia określające poszczególne etapy lotu, a poza tym: abort the take-off- przerwać procedurę startową/ twin-engine/ shut down one engine- wyłączyć jeden z silników/ take immediate action- podjąc natychmiastowe działania/ take decision immediately (lub on the spur of the moment)- podjąć decyzję natychmiast.
  4. Do you think it is right that the pets are allowed to travel in the passenger cabin? Why yes/ why no? Wykorzystaj w odpowiedzi następujące wyrażenia: household pets- zwierzęta domowe/ produce health certificate- okazać świadectwo zdrowia/ special fees apply- należy uiścić dodatkową opłatę/ the welfare of the animals- dobro zwierząt.
  5. The pilot performs the crosswind landing with the potential birdstrike hazard (niebezpieczeństwo). How dangerous could it be in these conditions? THE RECORDING
  6. Watch and describe the situation, what happened? THE RECORDING
  7. Wysłuchaj nagrania 0:22′ do 1;30′ i opowiedz/ podsumuj co się wydarzyło. THE RECORDING

Getting Lost.

The flights operate under VFR (Visual Flight Rules) or IFR (Instrument Flight Rules). The pilot who holds VFR license (mieć licencję…) is authorized to fly only in good weather. He/She also has to maintain the separation from other aircraft on the basis on what he can see. On the other hand, the IFR authorized pilot can fly in all weather conditions on the basis of the instrument indication (wskazania przyrządów). Most IFR flights are carried out in the air controlled space. The VFR pilots plan their route (planować trasę przelotu)  very carefully before they enter the cockpit. Of course, the pilot has to take into consideration many aspects, i.e. wind. The strength of wind may have the influence on the heading (kurs). IFR pilots usually fly in controlled airspace and they do it in the recommended IFR routes. When the pilot flies in the ATC controlled airspace he will often ask and receive the vectors

Ważne wyrażenia:

ADF- Automatic Direction Finding- 

VOR- Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range

Pytanie egzaminacyjne:

  1. What is the difference between ADF and VOR?
  2. Please, watch the video and tell me in five sentences what happened. Rozpoczynaj zdania od: – The Pilot requested …. The pilot’ intention was … The pilot made a mistake … The pilot misunderstood (źle zrozumiał)  the officer’s information and … Proszę obejrzeć nagranie (00′-2 minuty) i opowiedzieć zdarzenie.    


Pytanie egzaminacyjne:

  1. Please, watch the video and tell me what happened? Tell me what is the professional and emotional role of the ATC officers. Proszę w odpowiedzi wykorzystać poniższe wyrażenia: 

0:46′ impact the ground- zderzyć się z ziemią

1:14′ she guided him to the closest airport- kierowała go na najbliższe lotnisko

1:34′ you are supposed to be helpful for them- to ty masz być dla nich pomocny

1:42′ you just try to compose yourself- postarał się uspokoić/ wziąć się w garść, etc.

2:19′ I will be forever grateful- będę już zawsze wdzięczny


Zadanie domowe:))))

  1. Please, watch the video and write to me in 5 sentences what went wrong (co poszło nie tak) and who made a mistake:  WATCH THE FILM AND LEARN THE WORDS!

Zwróćcie, proszę, także uwagę na plik: flight panel.






Runway Incursion.

Runway Incursion- unauthorized (bez zezwolenia) entry to the runway by the vehicle/ person/ object. This situation is dangerous for the aircraft which is taking off or landing. The reason of the runway incursion may be the driver who didn’t obey the rules (nie przestrzegał przepisów), the error of the air traffic controller or the pilot who didn’t act according to (nie postępował zgodnie z …) the instruction. It may be also disorientation problems with the marking or the lighting. Sometimes the weather conditions like the fog may also play the part. If you ever enter the runway in an unauthorized manner, you should leave it immediately and advise the ATC (poinformować ATC) on what happened.

Mussimy zwracać uwagę na drobne różnice, np.

 taxi towards… – zmierzaj w kierunku … i  taxi to…- dojedź do … 

active runway-  runway which is used for take-off and landings

runway holding position markings- places where aircraft must stop before it gets the information from the tower on the permission to cross

Please watch the video and write to me in 5 sentences what happened. Use Past Tense.

0:12′ involve- wziąć udział/ być zamieszanym w … ale trudno z tym ułożyć zdanie, użyjcie: take part in …/ participate in …

0:12′ intersecting runways- przecinające się pasy startowe

1:35′ become distracted- rozkojarzyć się/ lose track of time- stracić poczucie czasu

2:06′ focused on final preparations for takeoff- skoncentrowany na ostatnich przygotowaniach do startu

2:37′ imminent danger- nadchodzące/ bliskie niebezpieczeństwo


What happened?


What happened and who made a mistake? 


W czasie egzaminu próbnego, zadam Wam poniższe pytania:

  1. What should a pilot do to avoid the runway incursion?
  2. Why, in your opinion the message ‘go ahead’ when said by the air traffic controller may be inappropriate (nieodpowiednia)? The proper way to say is: ‘pass the message’.
  3. What does the message ‘hold short of runway 20’ mean?

Świetne nagranie:


Aby poprawnie opowiedzieć zdarzenie, konieczna jest znajomość dwóch podstawowych czasów przeszłych: Past Simple i Past Continuous- sprawdźcie się tutaj:

Yesterday at 5 o’clock they __________ football.


After five years of studying she finally __________ from the university.


_________ after you finished work yesterday?


When the boy was sleeping, the parents _________ television.


The boys ___________ playing football even when it became dark.


What time __________ work yesterday?


Mark woke up, took the shower and _________ to the swimming pool.


He __________ on business when his employees tried to contact him a few times.


When _________ he receive the promotion?


They __________ watching movies until late at night.





Braking Action.



  1. Inform pilot about runway length and condition (długość i stan)
  2. Monitor height, speed, distance from touchdown
  3. Plan ahead the pending (oczekujący) traffic, consider assigning priority (przydzielenie pierwszeństwa) to the arrivals if necessary due to possibility of blocked runway (ze względu na możliwość zablokowania pasa)
  4. Make arrangements for towing equipment (sprzęt holujący) to be on stand-by as appropriate
  5. Request help of technical staff required to inspect and assess the damage to the aircraft as appropriate
  6. If pilot reports vibrations during the take-off/landing roll – consider possible tyre burst/debris (pozostałości/ szczątki) on the runway and make the necessary arrangements for runway inspection. Inform the pilot if tyre burst has occurred, especially important if it took place after take-off.

Best practice embedded in the ASSIST principle could be followed (A – Acknowledge; S – Separate, S – Silence; I – Inform, S – Support, T – Time):
A – acknowledge the emergency, inform the crew if fire/smoke is observed from the undercarriage area;
S – separate the aircraft and if necessary prioritise it for landing (nadać  pierszeństwo do lądowania), allow long final if requested, keep the active runway clear of departures, arrivals and vehicles;
S – silence the non-urgent calls (as required) and use separate frequency  where possible;
I – inform the airport emergency fire rescue services and all concerned parties according to local procedures; as tower controller expect airport authorities to execute their emergency plan; inform the supervisor and other sectors/units concerned;
S – support the flight by providing any information requested and necessary such as type of approach, runway length and aerodrome details, etc.
T – provide time for the crew to assess the situation (ocenić sytuację), don’t press with non urgent matters.


Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie materiału:

Loss of Positional Orientation.

The common outcomes of the pilot’s unawareness of the exact position (nieświadomość/ brak wiedzy na tempt dokładnej pozycji):

  • airspace infringement (naruszenie przestrzeni)
  • loss of separation
  • loss of controlled flight into terrain (CFIFT- kontrolowany lot ku ziemi)

In mountainous terrain, or in deteriorating weather conditions (pogarszające się warunki pogodowe), the pilot may get into a situation where they do not have the aircraft performance or skills to avoid impact with terrain (uniknąć zderzenia z ziemią).

The pilot is unable to correctly interpret aircraft attitude (położenie statku powietrznego), altitude or airspeed, then the outcome may be loss of control and CFIT.

Additional problems:
1. High level of stress in the cockpit

2. Non-standard phraseology

3. Random combination of maneuvers ( przypadkowa kombinacja/ sekwencja manewrów) – the pilot might start manoeuvring in order to gain visual contact (uzyskać kontakt wzrokowy) with terrain regardless of unsafe proximity (niezależnie od niebezpiecznie bliskiej odległości)  to terrain, danger areas and reserved airspace areas.


  1. Advise the aircraft to climb to the minimum safe altitude while maintaining the flight in VMC.
  2. Ask the pilot if able to climb at the safe altitude and maintain the flight into VMC
  3. If it is reported that visual contact with terrain is lost and it cannot be re-established (odzyskana/ uzyskana ponownie) without descending (obniżenie pułapu lotu) and that there is a risk of collision with terrain, instruct the aircraft crew to climb as necessary, underline the need for urgent action (podkreślić konieczność podjęcia błyskawicznych działań) (climb due low altitude/due terrain etc.)
  4. Consult the minimum sector altitude chart and provide information to the pilot about the minimum safe altitudes.
  5. Clear all other aircraft in the vicinity (w sąsiedztwie) of the aircraft in the abnormal situation, providing space for manoeuvres
  6. Instruct the pilot to squawk 7700
  7. Provide a separate frequency to the aircraft if the main operational frequency is busy
  8. Inform the pilot as necessary about the distance to the nearest suitable aerodrome(s) and landing conditions (najbliższe odpowiednie lotnisko oraz warunki pogodowe)
  9. Provide time for the crew to decide on what course of action will be the safest, give time to assess options such as fuel , possibility to return back to the departure aerodrome or to deviate to the most suitable one
  10. Provide navigational assistance to the crew as necessary by informing of magnetic track and distance to the aerodrome or specific geographical location
  11. Assist the crew to identify a certain runway as necessary
  12. In case visual acquisition of the runway is not achieved and it is apparent that the pilot will continue the approach in IFR and/or marginal VMC:
    Inform the airport emergency services and all concerned parties according to local procedures;
    Ask if dangerous goods are on board;
    Ask for number of Persons On Board (POB);
    Clear RWY according to local instructions;
    Keep safety strip clear.

Moduł językowy przygotowany na podstawie:

Emergency descent.

There are various reasons why the flight crew might initiate an emergency descent, usually:

  • loss of pressurisation
  • in-flight fire.
    That crew shall:
    1. Initiate a turn away from the assigned route or track before commencing the emergency descent
    2. Advise the appropriate air traffic control unit as soon as possible of the emergency descent
    3. Set transponder to Code 7700 and select the Emergency Mode on the ADS/CPDLC system, if applicable
    4. Turn on aircraft exterior lights (zewnętrzne oświetlenie)
    5. Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS
    5. Coordinate its further intentions with the appropriate ATC unit

The actions taken by the controller:

  • acknowledge (potwierdzić) the emergency on RTF
  • provide (zapewnić) separation or issue essential traffic information
  • state the applicable minimum safe altitude (określić/podać minimalny bezpieczny pułap lotu), if necessary (REMEMBER: The aircraft should not descend below the lowest published minimum altitude which will provide a minimum vertical clearance of 300m (1000 ft) or in designated mountainous terrain 600m (2000 ft) above all obstacles located in the area specified.)
  • make an emergency broadcast if necessary
  • after emergency descent, and when the situation permits, ask for pilot intentions and other important information, such as :
    Intention to divert
    Injuries sustained by occupants (kontuzje/ obrażenia osób na pokładzie)
    Damage to aircraft
    Consider the aircraft as remaining in an emergency situation until confirmed otherwise. The aircraft could be ready to continue flight without any further complications after the emergency descent if no structural damage was sustained (jeśli structure static powietrznego nie została naruszona) and there are no significant system malfunctions (znaczące zakłócenia pracy systemu). However, be aware than often a crew is unable to assess the type or extent of any damage whilst in flight.ATC


Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie:

Engine Failure.

The following technical problems could be precursors to engine malfunction (nieprawidłowa praca silnika) and engine failure (awaria silnika), and the crew might  decide to shut down the problematic engine if there is:

  • low oil pressure indication (wskazanie)
  • high oil temperature indication
  • Excessive (zbyt wysokie/ nadmierne) engine vibrationsThe engine failure might result in:
  1. Rejected Take Off
  2. Pressurisation Problems
  3. Control difficulties
  4. Fuel Dumping
  5. FL Change

Od 1.17′:


Od 0.30′:


Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie