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Phrasal Verbs (4Business 3)

The product didn’t hit __________ (nie odniósł sukcesu natychmiast) but the team wasn’t put off and continued hard work to sell it.


We made a mistake. We didn’t bargain __________ (nie wzięliśmy pod uwagę/ nie wzięliśmy poprawki na …) the progress that the competition made.


I don’t like speaking in public and it is always a problem for me to bring ________ (zgłosić) my ideas even if have a strong argument to support them.


No, we will not choose this idea of promotion because all the proposed actions don’t add _________ (nie mają sensu/ nie trzymają się całości, etc).


She has an extremely reliable team and can always count __________ (liczyć na) her employees to support her.