Braking Action.



  1. Inform pilot about runway length and condition (długość i stan)
  2. Monitor height, speed, distance from touchdown
  3. Plan ahead the pending (oczekujący) traffic, consider assigning priority (przydzielenie pierwszeństwa) to the arrivals if necessary due to possibility of blocked runway (ze względu na możliwość zablokowania pasa)
  4. Make arrangements for towing equipment (sprzęt holujący) to be on stand-by as appropriate
  5. Request help of technical staff required to inspect and assess the damage to the aircraft as appropriate
  6. If pilot reports vibrations during the take-off/landing roll – consider possible tyre burst/debris (pozostałości/ szczątki) on the runway and make the necessary arrangements for runway inspection. Inform the pilot if tyre burst has occurred, especially important if it took place after take-off.

Best practice embedded in the ASSIST principle could be followed (A – Acknowledge; S – Separate, S – Silence; I – Inform, S – Support, T – Time):
A – acknowledge the emergency, inform the crew if fire/smoke is observed from the undercarriage area;
S – separate the aircraft and if necessary prioritise it for landing (nadać  pierszeństwo do lądowania), allow long final if requested, keep the active runway clear of departures, arrivals and vehicles;
S – silence the non-urgent calls (as required) and use separate frequency  where possible;
I – inform the airport emergency fire rescue services and all concerned parties according to local procedures; as tower controller expect airport authorities to execute their emergency plan; inform the supervisor and other sectors/units concerned;
S – support the flight by providing any information requested and necessary such as type of approach, runway length and aerodrome details, etc.
T – provide time for the crew to assess the situation (ocenić sytuację), don’t press with non urgent matters.


Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie materiału:

Loss of Positional Orientation.

The common outcomes of the pilot’s unawareness of the exact position (nieświadomość/ brak wiedzy na tempt dokładnej pozycji):

  • airspace infringement (naruszenie przestrzeni)
  • loss of separation
  • loss of controlled flight into terrain (CFIFT- kontrolowany lot ku ziemi)

In mountainous terrain, or in deteriorating weather conditions (pogarszające się warunki pogodowe), the pilot may get into a situation where they do not have the aircraft performance or skills to avoid impact with terrain (uniknąć zderzenia z ziemią).

The pilot is unable to correctly interpret aircraft attitude (położenie statku powietrznego), altitude or airspeed, then the outcome may be loss of control and CFIT.

Additional problems:
1. High level of stress in the cockpit

2. Non-standard phraseology

3. Random combination of maneuvers ( przypadkowa kombinacja/ sekwencja manewrów) – the pilot might start manoeuvring in order to gain visual contact (uzyskać kontakt wzrokowy) with terrain regardless of unsafe proximity (niezależnie od niebezpiecznie bliskiej odległości)  to terrain, danger areas and reserved airspace areas.


  1. Advise the aircraft to climb to the minimum safe altitude while maintaining the flight in VMC.
  2. Ask the pilot if able to climb at the safe altitude and maintain the flight into VMC
  3. If it is reported that visual contact with terrain is lost and it cannot be re-established (odzyskana/ uzyskana ponownie) without descending (obniżenie pułapu lotu) and that there is a risk of collision with terrain, instruct the aircraft crew to climb as necessary, underline the need for urgent action (podkreślić konieczność podjęcia błyskawicznych działań) (climb due low altitude/due terrain etc.)
  4. Consult the minimum sector altitude chart and provide information to the pilot about the minimum safe altitudes.
  5. Clear all other aircraft in the vicinity (w sąsiedztwie) of the aircraft in the abnormal situation, providing space for manoeuvres
  6. Instruct the pilot to squawk 7700
  7. Provide a separate frequency to the aircraft if the main operational frequency is busy
  8. Inform the pilot as necessary about the distance to the nearest suitable aerodrome(s) and landing conditions (najbliższe odpowiednie lotnisko oraz warunki pogodowe)
  9. Provide time for the crew to decide on what course of action will be the safest, give time to assess options such as fuel , possibility to return back to the departure aerodrome or to deviate to the most suitable one
  10. Provide navigational assistance to the crew as necessary by informing of magnetic track and distance to the aerodrome or specific geographical location
  11. Assist the crew to identify a certain runway as necessary
  12. In case visual acquisition of the runway is not achieved and it is apparent that the pilot will continue the approach in IFR and/or marginal VMC:
    Inform the airport emergency services and all concerned parties according to local procedures;
    Ask if dangerous goods are on board;
    Ask for number of Persons On Board (POB);
    Clear RWY according to local instructions;
    Keep safety strip clear.

Moduł językowy przygotowany na podstawie:

Emergency descent.

There are various reasons why the flight crew might initiate an emergency descent, usually:

  • loss of pressurisation
  • in-flight fire.
    That crew shall:
    1. Initiate a turn away from the assigned route or track before commencing the emergency descent
    2. Advise the appropriate air traffic control unit as soon as possible of the emergency descent
    3. Set transponder to Code 7700 and select the Emergency Mode on the ADS/CPDLC system, if applicable
    4. Turn on aircraft exterior lights (zewnętrzne oświetlenie)
    5. Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS
    5. Coordinate its further intentions with the appropriate ATC unit

The actions taken by the controller:

  • acknowledge (potwierdzić) the emergency on RTF
  • provide (zapewnić) separation or issue essential traffic information
  • state the applicable minimum safe altitude (określić/podać minimalny bezpieczny pułap lotu), if necessary (REMEMBER: The aircraft should not descend below the lowest published minimum altitude which will provide a minimum vertical clearance of 300m (1000 ft) or in designated mountainous terrain 600m (2000 ft) above all obstacles located in the area specified.)
  • make an emergency broadcast if necessary
  • after emergency descent, and when the situation permits, ask for pilot intentions and other important information, such as :
    Intention to divert
    Injuries sustained by occupants (kontuzje/ obrażenia osób na pokładzie)
    Damage to aircraft
    Consider the aircraft as remaining in an emergency situation until confirmed otherwise. The aircraft could be ready to continue flight without any further complications after the emergency descent if no structural damage was sustained (jeśli structure static powietrznego nie została naruszona) and there are no significant system malfunctions (znaczące zakłócenia pracy systemu). However, be aware than often a crew is unable to assess the type or extent of any damage whilst in flight.ATC


Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie:

Engine Failure.

The following technical problems could be precursors to engine malfunction (nieprawidłowa praca silnika) and engine failure (awaria silnika), and the crew might  decide to shut down the problematic engine if there is:

  • low oil pressure indication (wskazanie)
  • high oil temperature indication
  • Excessive (zbyt wysokie/ nadmierne) engine vibrationsThe engine failure might result in:
  1. Rejected Take Off
  2. Pressurisation Problems
  3. Control difficulties
  4. Fuel Dumping
  5. FL Change

Od 1.17′:


Od 0.30′:


Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie


Bird Strike (2).

A bird strike may result in:

  • Broken windshield (szyba przednia) / canopy (osłona kabiny)
  • Engine failure (single or multiple engines)
  • Hydraulic problems
  • Handling difficulties
  • Electrical problems
  • Landing Gear problems
  • Crew incapacitation (niezdolność załogi do pracy)
  • Anticipated Impact on Crew (przewidywany wpływ na załogę, jakość pracy, etc.)

If a flight has experienced a bird strike, the controller may anticipate:

  • Rejected take-off
  • Immediate return to land
  • Landing at the next suitable aerodrome
  • Restricted visibility from the flight deck
  • Impaired aircraft control during the landing roll

ATC should:

  1. acknowledge the bird strike (potwierdź informację/ uzyskanie informacji ), ask for the crews’ intentions when the situation permits, minimise frequency changes, and establish (dowiedz się/ ustal) whether the crew is able to control the aircraft
  2. separate the aircraft from other traffic, prioritise it for landing (allow long final if requested), keep the active runway clear of departures, arrivals and vehicles
  3. silence the non-urgent calls (as required) and use separate frequency where possible
  4. inform the airport emergency services and all concerned parties according to local procedures
  5. support the flight experiencing the consequences of the bird strike with any information requested and deemed necessary (informacje uznane za niezbędne) (e.g. type of approach, runway length and aerodrome details, etc.)
  6.  provide time for the crew to assess the situation, don’t press with non urgent matters
  7. in case of a bird strike occurring on take-off or landing, the runway must be checked to ensure it is clean from any debris and/or bird remains. Bird remains should be kept to assist any subsequent investigation and, if necessary, passed to an appropriate authority for identification.



Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie

Fuel Emergency.

The declaration of “MINIMUM FUEL” informs ATC that, for a specific aerodrome of intended landing, the aircraft has sufficient fuel remaining (wystarczająca ilość paliwa) to follow the cleared routing, execute an arrival and approach procedure and land with the required fuel reserves. However, there is little or no extra fuel on board and any change to the existing clearance could result in landing with less than planned final reserve fuel.

MINIMUM FUEL is not a declaration which confers any special treatment by ATC, i.e. it is not an emergency situation, but merely an information message. However, controllers should bear in mind that an emergency situation is possible should any additional delay occur.

The controller should:

  • clarify with the flight crew the actual fuel status
  • if possible keep the aircraft at high altitudes to save fuel
  • inform the crew about the distance to the nearest suitable aerodrome(s) and landing conditions
  • ask if there are dangerous goods on board
  • ask for number of Persons On Board (POB)
  • clear RWY according to local instructions



Sliding Off the Runway.

01:44′ Are you off the runway?-  Czy jesteś poza pasem?

01:45′ Konstrukcja ‘to be going to’ – wyrażanie zamiaru, planu … ale także przewidywanie na podstawie zauważalnych przesłanek. 02:43′ We are going to get some help for you.

01: 59′ require assistance- wymagać/ potrzebować pomocy/ wsparcia

02:03′ state the nature of emergency- podać charakter/ naturę sytuacji nagłej

ATC asked the pilot to state the nature of the emergency.  ATC told the pilot to….  ATC told the pilot not to …

02:07′ on the end


02:15′ we exited the prepared surface- zjechaliśmy z przygotowanej nawierzchni/ pasa.

The pilot said that he exited the prepared runway.

02:40′ it would appear that/ it appears that- wydaje się, że …

02:40′ snow covered- przysypany śniegiem/ pokryty śniegiem

02:43′ We will let the controller know …- Poinformujemy kontrolera …

02:50′ Do you want us to …

03:10 assess the situation- ocenić sytuację/ find out the best course of action- określić najlepszy przebieg/ ciąg zdarzeń/ rozwiązanie



Medical Emergency in the Cockpit.

0:25′ declare medical emergency- zgłosić nagłą sytację medyczną

0:25′ seizure- zapaść

01:03′ You do want to divert at this time?

01:34′ Is there any medical personnel? Are there any doctors?

03:22′ fuel remaining- pozostałe paliwo/ paliwo do dyspozycji

03:28′ I will pass it on to …- Przekażę do …



Rudder Problems.

00:27′  ATC told the pilot to …

00:36′ troubleshoot- rozwiązywać problem

01:19′ What kind of issues do they have?

01:25′ What did ATC tell the pilot to do ?

01:47′ What did the VRD762 ask to get? What did the VRD 762 request?

02:06′ What kind of information did ATC request again?

02:44′ How many souls do they have on board?

02:58 What does ATC tell them to do?





Near-Miss over Boston.

What happened?

00:48′ in sight- w zasięgu wzroku/ widoczny; we will keep the visual- będziemy utrzymywać kontakt wzrokowy