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Rodzaje wykresów, język analizy- krótki test. Business / Technology (4 All Users)

1. I think that the __________ (wykresy kołowe) are the most illustrative.


2. When I show the statistics, it seems to me that people remember most the __________ (wykresy kolumnowe).


3. The __________ (wykresy liniowe)  show the long-term tendencies of the markets and companies.


4. According to the information presented in the tables, the sales dropped _________ 20% in the first quarter.


5. One _________  3 salesmen is not satisfied with the salary they earn.


6. ułamek zwykły 2/3, np. w zdaniu: 

2/3 of the employees are …. to


7. There were some __________ (wahania) in sales results in the whole 2015.


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Business Letter Test. (4 DEVSKILLER)

Test sprawdzający znajomość związków frazeologicznych przydatnych i naturalnie stosowanych w korespondencji biznesowej. Poziom zaawansowania (B2/C1).

Please go to Business Letter Test. (4 DEVSKILLER) to view the test



Aktualne/ Modne wyrażenia- krótki test. Business (dostęp abonamentowy)

Please go to Aktualne/ Modne wyrażenia- krótki test. Business (dostęp abonamentowy) to view the test
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Business Vocabulary:) TEST. Have fun!

Ilość kresek odpowiada ilości liter w słowie.  Bawcie się dobrze:)!!

1. Which bank do you h _ _ _    account at?

2. When you are unemployed you are entitled to (uprawniony do …) the unemployment d _ _ _.

3. He doesn’t have a job. He has been made r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

4. What is the exchange  r _ _ _   of dollar to zloty?

5. When you committed a crime you are judged according to the p _ _ _ _    code.

6. What are the most popular questions to candidates at job i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

7. I will have to pay the credit back (spłacać) in monthly    _ _ _ _ _ ll _ _ _ _s    for twenty years.

8. If you want to take the credit for accommodation you take a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _  credit.

9. When you take a credit and you don’t tell the bank what you will spend the money on you take a l _ _ _.

10. It is not a temporary (czasowa/ tymczasowa) job, it’s a p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ one.

11. My father became the  _ _ _ _ _ _r of his first company when he was 20 years old.

12. When you are an  a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    you work with bills, invoices (faktury) and money.

13. She is very young but her   c _ _ _ _ _   develops (rozwija się) extremely fast.

14. The real  e _ _ _ _ _   is the best investment now.

15. I need cash. Where is the nearest A _ _ ?

16. After joining the EU Poland received a lot of d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s.

17. C _ _ _ _  letter and cv are necessary when you want to get a job.

18. This is the end of our company. We went b _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


  1. hold account at the bank- mieć konto w banku
  2. dole- zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
  3. make sb. redundant- zwolnic kogoś
  4. exchange rate- kurs wymiany
  5. penal code- kodeks karny
  6. interview- tutaj: rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
  7. installments- raty
  8. mortgage kredyt- kredyt hipoteczny
  9. loan- pożyczka
  10. permanent job- stała praca
  11. founder- założyciel
  12. accountant- księgowy
  13. career- kariera
  14. real estate- nieruchomość
  15. ATM- bankomat
  16. donations- dotacje
  17. cover letter- list motywacyjny
  18. go bankrupt- zbankrutować