parent company- …

  • spółka dominująca/ spółka matka

In the recently released financial statements by the parent company, no significant change in the number of shares was indicated- W ostatnio wydanym sprawozdaniach finansowych sporządzonych przez spółkę dominującą, nie zostały wskazane żadne znaczące zmiany w ilości udziałów.

merchandising- …

  • dziedzina marketingu która skupia sie na reklamie produktu poprzez dedykowane towary, loga,znaki (merchandising:)))

The company aims for minimising its merchandising costs- Firma stara się zminimalizować koszty merchidisingowe.

return on investment- …

  • zwrot z inwestycji

When revising a finished project it’s essential to calculate the return on investment the project may bring to your business- Przy poprawkach ukończonego projektu ważne jest by obliczyć zwrot z inwestycji, który projekt może wnieść do twojego biznesu.

Effective Communication Between the Departments. Business / Technology (4 Registered Users)

  • effective – skuteczny
  • efficient – wydajny
  • significant factor – znaczący czynnik
  • contribute to …  – przyczynić się do …
  • inter-departamental communication – komunikacja między działami
  • evident – jasny/ czytelny/ oczywisty
  • to implement policy – wprowadzić strategię
  • to maintain effective flow of communication – utrzymać/ zapewnić skuteczny przepływ informacji

Effective and efficient communication between departments is believed to be one of the most significant factors contributing to the overall success of the company. One of the more important forms of organizational communication is inter-departmental communication, the Institute for Public Relations notes. The importance of communication between different departments in an organization becomes most evident when that communication breaks down. Implementing policies to strengthen inter-departmental communication helps to show its importance and maintain an efficient flow of information.

  • to deliver accurate information – dostarczać dokładne informacje/ precyzyjne dane
  • fact checking step – etap sprawdzania/ weryfikacji danych/ faktów, etc.
  • to ensure – zapewnić
  • reliable – godny zaufania

Effective communication builds trust within the organization. When departments trust each other to deliver accurate information, this eliminates the extra fact-checking step that can slow down productivity. Departments should ensure that the information they are giving to other departments in the organization is reliable to help improve operational efficiency.

  • service can suffer – może ucierpieć standard obsługi klienta
  • invoice – faktura
  • accounts department – dział księgowości
  • to retain clients – utrzymać klientów
  • to maintain high level of cutomer service – utrzymać wysoki standard obsługi klienta
  • to attend to clients – dbać o …/ szanować klientów

When inter-departmental communication is poor, customer service can suffer.

For example, if a client continues to receive a bill for an invoice that was already paid because the accounts department is not communicating properly, then there is the risk of losing business.

To retain clients and insure the flow of repeat business, you need to maintain a high level of customer service. When the departments in your company are efficiently sharing information, then clients can be properly attended to, and customer service improves.

  • increase in product demand – wzrost popytu na towar
  • loss of revenue – utrata zysków
  • sales projections – założenia sprzedażowe

If your sales department loses business because the manufacturing group was unaware of an increase in product demand, then your company suffers a loss of revenue. The accurate exchange of information between departments improves the ability to meet sales projections, to get product to distribution points and to have contracts and documents reviewed by the proper people.  Improving communication between departments improves the efficiency of the overall operation of your organization.

  • breakdown – zaburzenie/ przerwanie/ konflikt
  • notification – zawiadomienie
  • shipment – wysyłka/ przewóz/ transport
  • finger-pointing – szukanie winnych
  • to accompany – towarzyszyć
  • to engage in conflict – angażować się w konflikt
  • entire organization – cała struktura/ firma/ organizacja

A breakdown in communication at any point in the organization can result in conflict. If the shipping department does not get notification of an important shipment in time to make next day delivery, then that can cause a conflict among several departments in the organization. Finger-pointing and arguing accompany a breakdown in inter-departmental communication. When departments engage in conflict, the productivity of your entire organization is affected.

Watch HERE 2 popular techniques on communication in the team

Travel and Work! Business (4 Registered Users)


freelancer – wolny strzelec

Mike works as a freelancer, he travels a lot because he does not have to come to the office every day.


blur – zamglić/ zacierać się (np. o różnicach)

The difference between working in the office and from home blurs.


as old as the hills – stary jak świat

The idea of mixing work and free time is as old as the hills but has become possible only recently.

Full text:

  • as old as the hills – stary jak świat;)
  • collaborative – oparty na współpracy
  • work remotely – pracować zdalnie / na odległość

The concept of ‘bleisure’ (mixing business trips with pleasure) is as old as the hills, but the rise of the online ‘collaborative economy’ has opened up the world of working remotely  to a new generation – and not just those flying business class.

  • academic – tutaj: naukowiec
  • literally – dosłownie
  • industry – branża
  • benefits of remote work – korzyści wynikające z pracy zdalnej

Initially, these new kinds of workers, sometimes named ‘digital nomads’, ‘e-workers’ were mostly creative, academic or tech professionals. They were writers typing away on a beach in Thailand, graphic designers working on creative projects in an Amsterdam cafe or developers coding while, quite literally, on the fly. But more and more industries are catching the benefits of remote work.

  • 34% of the US workforce is now considered freelance – 34 % zatrudnionych w USA jest  uznawanych za wolnych strzelców
  • connect directly- łączyć się bezpośrednio

Forbes says that 34% of the US workforce is now considered freelance and this will rise to 40% soon. The economic crisis , mobile and cloud technology, and the influence of social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn have created a perfect environment for the freelance age. Just 10 years ago, if someone wanted to be a freelancer they needed contacts – lots of them. Today, they just join sites like Upwork, Fiverr or any other marketplace where sellers can connect directly with buyers all over the world.

  • gap-year students – studenci, którzy zrobili sobie rok przerwy
  • blur – zacierać się

Initially popular with millennials and twenty-somethings who realised they could ‘gig their way around the globe’, remote work is now the choice of people of all ages. Semi-retirees building second careers, gap-year students earning as they go, young families on short-term relocations – the line between work and travel  is blurring.

  • upsides – zalety
  • downsides – wady
  • cash-flow problems – problemy z wypłacalnością
  • often-overlooked aspect – często ignorowany aspekt

While the upsides are clear – you get to see the world without going bankrupt – there are some potential downsides: instability, cash-flow problems  and ‘zero-hours’ contracts. An often-overlooked aspect  is not being able to fully appreciate a place if you’re too engaged in your box. So it’s important to manage your time on the road and allow yourself moments to stop and explore.

Freelance: what jobs to do. Short’n’Nice;)

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie artykułu: ‘The World is Your Office: Remote Working on a Roll’, opublikowanego na

investment venture- …

  • przedsięwzięcie inwestycyjne

This solution will allow to obtain a reasonable rate of return on capital even taking into account the risks related to a new investment venture Takie rozwiązanie pozwoli na otrzymanie rozsądnej stopy zwrotu kapitału nawet biorąc pod uwagę ryzyko związanie z nowymi przedsięwzięciami inwestycyjnymi.


  •  wezwanie do działania

Each successful marketing campaign should contain a call-to-action– Każda udana kampania marketingowa powinna zawierać wezwania do działania.

to crash- …

– tracić na wartości

The economists suspected that Brexit may cause pound to crash– Ekonomiści przewidywali, że Brexit może doprowadzić do spadku wartości funta.

business blogging- …

  • blogowanie biznesowe

Your company can achieve more visibility online through business blogging– Twoja firma może zdobyć większą widoczność w sieci dzięki blogowaniu biznesowemu.


at the service- …

  • do usług/ do dyspozycji

Uber is at the McDonald’s service in numerous locations in the USA- Uber jest do dyspozycji McDonald’s w wielu lokalizacjach USA.