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Post-Mobile Era. Business/ Technology (4 Registered Users)


  • early stage- wczesny etap

We are in the early stage of this project.


  • get used to …- przyzwyczajać się do …

The world is just getting used to smartphone revolution.


  • make a very meaningful progress- dokonywać bardzo znaczącego postępu

The world is making a very meaningful progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Full version:

  • rely on…  – polegać na …
  • sift through – przesiewać
  • make a meaningful progress – dokonywać znaczący postęp
  • terrifying – przerażający

The world is only just getting used to the smartphone revolution, but … Google’s Sundar Pichai is already thinking “post-mobile”. It’s no longer enough to program machines with all the answers or to rely on traditional statistical analysis to allow them to work out what’s what – instead, the firm now relies on techniques that allow computers to teach themselves by sifting through  massive amounts of data, learning from patterns, regularities and interconnections. The potential is massive, Pichai believes. “We’ve been mak(-e)ing a very meaningful progress in machine learning and AI. ”To some, Google’s strategy will seem terrifying: won’t artificial intelligence end up automating all jobs, and, in extremis, lead to a Terminator-style where machines take control?

  • harness – opanować
  • disruptive – niepokojący / burzący ład
  • recount – przypominać / wspominać
  • early stage – początkowy etap rozwoju

The Google boss believes that the benefits of harnessing AI will be much greater than the costs and that the changes will take decades, allowing societies to adapt. New professions will continue to be created, replacing jobs that are automated. He thinks, however, that over time society will come up with a new social contract to deal with the changes.

“Technology is always disruptive. But it’s a force for making people’s lives better. It’s also an incredibly democratising force over time.” AI will be transformative he believes, and not just in his company’s own area. Take medicine. He recounts that “just in the last months, we’ve seen some young people in Google diagnosed with cancer. It’s shocking to see. I look at that and I think: can machine learning and artificial intelligence make progress on these things? In my mind, the answer is yes. We are in such early stages. It’s imperative that we bring this to the world.”

  • make bottom-up initiatives – wspierać / dbać o inicjatywy oddolne

The key is to nurture bottom-up initiatives. Google allows its staff to dedicate 20 per cent of their time to interesting projects: that’s how it invented Cardboard, a cheap way of enjoying virtual reality. One of its core products, the Android operating system that now powers so many devices, is open source.

WATCH HERE the predictions about the years to come. LINK


Seniors Put off Retirement and Stay at Work. Business (4 Registered Users)


double in a decade- podwoić się w okresie 10 lat

  • The number of people who decided to stay longer at work doubled in a decade.
  • The income that the company made doubled in a short period of time
  • The number of duties which I have to do doubled in a short time


grow rapidly- gwałtownie rosnąć

  • Business opportunities are growing rapidly in this country.
  • The number of complaints is growing rapidly. We have to do something about it.


impressive growth- imponujący wzrost

  • The growth of the company has been considered impressive even by the competitors.
  • Impressive growth of sales satisfies the board and shareholders.



  • double in a decade – podwoić się w okresie 10 lat
  • full-time employment – praca w pełnym wymiarze godzin
  • year on year – z roku na rok/ rok do roku
  • driving force – siła napędowa
  • impressive employment  growth – imponujący wzrost zatrudnienia
  • contribution – udział/ wkład
  • rapidly growing numbers – gwałtownie rosnące dane
  • target at …- celować w … / zmierzać do … / adresować do …
  • commission –  zlecać/ zamawiać

The number of people aged over 70 who are still working has more than doubled in a decade to nearly half a million.

The number of those aged over 70 who are in full- or part-time employment has been steadily rising year on year for the past decade, according to new data. Nearly one in 12 of those in their 70s are still working, a significant increase from the one in 22 working 10 years ago.

‘While we know that the over-50s in general have been the driving force behind the UK’s impressive employment growth in recent years, our deeper analysis shows the hard work and significant economic contribution made by the rapidly growing numbers of over-70s in the workplace,’ said Stuart Lewis, founder of REst Less, the site for work and volunteering opportunities specifically targeted at the over-50s, which commissioned the research.

WATCH great and very POSITIVE film about employing seniors: LINK HERE

  • seek senior workers – szukać starszych pracowników
  • she works really presentable –  nie ma żadnych zastrzeżeń do jej wyglądu
  • reliable – godny zaufania
  • confidence – pewność siebie

The language lesson is based on the Guardian article: Number of over-70s still in work more than doubles in a decade’: LINK HERE.

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Dangerous Cryptocurrencies. Business/ Technology/ Law (4 Registered Users)


  • lead to the loss of investments – prowadzić do utraty inwestycji

According to Steven Maijor,  chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority buying coin offerings can lead to the loss of investments.

“You don’t have the regular protection that regulated investments offer, and can lose all of your investments.”

  • bear similarities to … – być podobnym do … (formalnie)
  • differ widely – znacząco się różnić
  • acquire rights – nabywać prawa
  • important factors – ważne czynniki
  • consider – rozważać

Initial Cryptocurrencies Offerings  bear similarities to initial public offerings for a stock, but in an IPO, the investor usually has a stake in the company, whereas coin sales differ widely in terms of acquired rights. That’s been a primary criticism of ICOs, but differences in regulation are also important factors for investors to consider.

 “As a European securities market authority, we have warned, in November, about the so-called ICOs because while ICOs in principle can give you services in return for the coin that you buy, or a share in the revenue, this happens in a very unregulated space.”

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Finnair Developing AI Tool. Business/ Aviation/Technology (dostęp abonamentowy)

Finnair and artificial intelligence (AI) company Silo have developed the tool which enables the airline to predict possible disruptions to air traffic more accurately.

  • For all airlines flight punctuality is one of the most significant factors  that affect passenger  satisfaction, and Finnair says this solution can be used to take a look at the impact of weather on the punctuality of flights.
  • If this proves effective, preparations for irregularities can be done in advance.

Juha Karstunen, digital transformation lead at Finnair says

We tested the artificial intelligence solution in the pilot phase last winter and the resultswere encouraging. The goal is to implement the solution as part of a broader technical reform later this year. We are also developing other intelligent solutions to support decision-making. Exceptional weather conditions are common in air travel, and our goal is always to minimise their impact on our customers’ travel plans.

  • predict disruptions- przewidzieć zakłócenia/ disrupt- zakłócać
  • develop the tool- opracować narzędzie

 !! ‚develop’ to nie tylko- rozwinąć, ale także oprcować/ zaprojektować/wdrożyć, np. The tool which we have developed will facilitate pilot’s performance

  • significant factor- znaczący czynnik
  • affect passenger satisfaction- mieć wpływ na poziom zadowolenia pasażerów
  • prove effective- okazać się skutecznym

!!  ‚prove’ to nie tylko udowadniać coś komuś, ale także ‚udowodnić, w znaczeniu ‚sprawdzić się’, np. He proved to be a great pilot in all emergency situations

  • implement the solution- wprowadzić rozwiązanie
  • support decision-making- wspierać/ pomagać w procesie podejmowania decyzji
  • exceptional weather conditions- wyjątkowe warunki pogodowe


Materiał na podstawie artykułu: Finnair Looking to Improve Air Traffic Punctuality with Artificial Intelligence’, opublikowanego na aviationnews-online.com LINK TUTAJ

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Fajny, szybki test na przyimki. Business context.

  • wytarczy 5-10 minut
  • bardzo ważne i przydatne w codziennej pracy przykłady
  • krótkie komentarze
  • do nauki na pamięć:)

1. The investment _________ the start-up business turned out to be very profitable.


2. I hate when employees invent excuses _________ failing to do their duties.


3. The company has failed to show response __________ the new product launched by their competitors


4. We need to dispose _________ the branches in a few cities which do not bring any profit.


5. Lack of human resources prevents the company __________ developing faster than the competition.


6. No members of management objected __________ the decisions presented by the board.


7. The company provided the clients _________ thorough service.

The company provides the employees _________ all the equipment they need to work effectively.


8. The manager is obsessed __________ the analysis of financial data for all individual periods of time and teams, contributors, products.


9. All team is deeply involved _________ the realization of the target.


10. ‘I will never approve __________ such strategies for the development of the company. I think they are very dangerous’,  the manager said.