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It is always recommend to test more than one social media channel to see what brings the best results- Zawsze zaleca się przetestowanie więcej niż jednej platformy mediów społecznościowych aby zobaczyć co przynosi najlepsze rezulataty.


General English Grammar Test. HAVE FUN:)!

Mike would rather __________in today evening.


I had no good books _________ hand so I decided to read a tabloid.


I wish you __________ behaved so badly at the party.


After her death I am _________ a loss


They don’t get __________ well with each other.


I just can’t wait _________ my girlfriend away!


Let’s go out tonight, _________ we?


Martha wanted to know why _________answered the phone.


The worst thing about going on holidays with David is that he is used __________in comfort.


Mother told me __________walk near the bank of the river.


She declined __________ me.


If you __________ at that company, your wages wil definitely increase.


Had Marcus been more thoughtful, Sheila ___________ walked out on him.


___________ more attention, you wouldn’t have had so many problems.


Could you stop cutting _________when I am speaking?


The __________ was all around.


I expressed a strong __________ of his silly ideas!


I really enjoyed the ___________ camp.


By the beginning of the next year the company’s situation ___________.


Reading such press reports can be very __________.


Martha is worn out because she ______________ all day long.


By next week, Sam ___________ that book for one month already.


I found it very __________.


I was __________ to call you when you came.



TEST: Simple Past/ Past Continuous, Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous/ Past Perfect/ Past Perfect Continuous. Business Context (dostęp otwarty)


Please go to TEST: Simple Past/ Past Continuous, Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous/ Past Perfect/ Past Perfect Continuous. Business Context (dostęp otwarty) to view the test
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Fajny, szybki test na przyimki. Business context.

  • wytarczy 5-10 minut
  • bardzo ważne i przydatne w codziennej pracy przykłady
  • krótkie komentarze
  • do nauki na pamięć:)
Please go to Fajny, szybki test na przyimki. Business context. to view the test

Christmas Rush. Przyimki/ Test.

The rush is on _________ (1) the airports as the Americans are heading home. Holiday air travel is kicking _________ (2) high gear, with airlines preparing __________ (3) a record 51 million passengers starting Friday through Jan. 4. That would mean an increase of 3.5 percent from last year’s peak of 49.3 million air travelers – and _________ (4) accommodate that, airlines are offering 91 000 more seats per day.  Airline staffs have grown _________ (5)  nearly four straight years. If you’re flying, remember this: plan _________ (6)  busy terminals, longer security lines and the possibility of delays. And if you remember the problem American Airlines had faced – a glitch allowed flight crews to schedule vacations during the busy travel period – it says that they have found crews for all those flights.

Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie:

Please go to Christmas Rush. Przyimki/ Test. to view the test

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie wiadomości opublikowanej  na slttoday.com 15.12.2017.


Causative ‘Have’…. TEST:) Gramatyka/ Poziom B.

Jedna z konstrukcji, która sprawia polskim uczniom na zaawansowanym poziomie…najwięcej trudności. I jest to z lingwistycznego punktu widzenia jak najbardziej uzasadnione, bo takiej konstrukcji gramatycznej nie ma w języku polskim. Przed testem, spójrzcie koniecznie na teorię. Za inspirację do napisania testu dziękuję chłopakom z Vestas Poland, z którymi ostatnio ćwiczyliśmy to zagadnienie podczas zajęć:).

Teoria: https://ilcs.eu/causative-have/

Please go to Causative ‘Have’…. TEST:) Gramatyka/ Poziom B. to view the test


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Business Vocabulary:) TEST. Have fun!

Ilość kresek odpowiada ilości liter w słowie.  Bawcie się dobrze:)!!

1. Which bank do you h _ _ _    account at?

2. When you are unemployed you are entitled to (uprawniony do …) the unemployment d _ _ _.

3. He doesn’t have a job. He has been made r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

4. What is the exchange  r _ _ _   of dollar to zloty?

5. When you committed a crime you are judged according to the p _ _ _ _    code.

6. What are the most popular questions to candidates at job i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

7. I will have to pay the credit back (spłacać) in monthly    _ _ _ _ _ ll _ _ _ _s    for twenty years.

8. If you want to take the credit for accommodation you take a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _  credit.

9. When you take a credit and you don’t tell the bank what you will spend the money on you take a l _ _ _.

10. It is not a temporary (czasowa/ tymczasowa) job, it’s a p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ one.

11. My father became the  _ _ _ _ _ _r of his first company when he was 20 years old.

12. When you are an  a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    you work with bills, invoices (faktury) and money.

13. She is very young but her   c _ _ _ _ _   develops (rozwija się) extremely fast.

14. The real  e _ _ _ _ _   is the best investment now.

15. I need cash. Where is the nearest A _ _ ?

16. After joining the EU Poland received a lot of d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s.

17. C _ _ _ _  letter and cv are necessary when you want to get a job.

18. This is the end of our company. We went b _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


  1. hold account at the bank- mieć konto w banku
  2. dole- zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
  3. make sb. redundant- zwolnic kogoś
  4. exchange rate- kurs wymiany
  5. penal code- kodeks karny
  6. interview- tutaj: rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
  7. installments- raty
  8. mortgage kredyt- kredyt hipoteczny
  9. loan- pożyczka
  10. permanent job- stała praca
  11. founder- założyciel
  12. accountant- księgowy
  13. career- kariera
  14. real estate- nieruchomość
  15. ATM- bankomat
  16. donations- dotacje
  17. cover letter- list motywacyjny
  18. go bankrupt- zbankrutować