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Importance of Art in Education 4 Business/ Law/ Technology (4 All Users)

  • the great and the good – wybitni przedstawiciele/ osobowości, etc.
  • demote – degradować/ lekceważyć
  • place/ put at risk – stawiać w niebezpieczeństwie/ ryzykować czymś

The number of British students who choose art related subjects at examinations has slumped by 26% over the last 5 years. Plenty of the great and the good from the performing arts have criticised the government for reforms, which demote arts subjects. They warn that the reforms place one of British largest and most successful British industries at risk.

Watch National Geographic discussion with the musician David Byrne on the role of art in education.

1:04′- apply in …- zastosować w jakiejś dyscyplinie

1:24′ tangible benefits- odczuwalne/ wyraźne korzyści

2:36′ thriving culture- rozkwitająca kultura

3:21′ Am I biased? – Czy jestem nieobiektywny?

The text continued: 

  • point out- wskazywać
  • combine- łączyć/ zbierać w całość
  • draw to a close- zbliżać się do końca
  • revenue increase- wzrost przychodów

The estimation of the UK’s creative industries shows they are worth 92 billion pounds a year. As the artists point out, that is bigger than oil, gas, life sciences, automotive and aeronautics combined. The summer music festival season, which draws to a close with the Reading and Leeds festivals next weekend, has enjoyed a revenue increase of 14%. More than 30 million people attended concerts or festivals in the UK alone in 2016, up from 26.7 million two years earlier.

  • spin-off effects- efekty uboczne w pozytywnych kontekstach
  • get sb through challenges- przeprowadzić/ pomóc komuś w pokonaniu  wyzwań
  • free up the mind- uwalniać umysł

They have spin-off effects for the rest of the economy, giving young people who take the stage or work behind the scenes a chance to take their creativity into other areas. Jeremy Deller, the distinguished installation artist (you can watch here some of the installation projects of Deller: including Iggy Pop, David Bowie.), said something that should be put on a poster in every government department entrance: “Thinking creatively is what is going to get Britain through a lot of the challenges of the next 10-20 years and that’s exactly what the arts do, they free up the mind.”

Watch Floyd Tunson’s video and comment on Einstein’s quote.

Tematy do dyskusji:

  1. Do you agree with David Byrne that sciences are not taught in a creative manner? Why?
  2. What do you think of the Jeremy Deller’s opinion?

Moduł językowy zainspirowany artykułem ‘The Uk’s Creative Industries are Being Choked up by bureaucracy’.

The Cover Photo by Amaury Salas