
Interview with Group of Managers. Business (4 Registered Users)

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie świetnych zajęć z bardzo inspirującymi uczniami;)


What do you like about your job?

  • manage people – zarządzać ludźmi (employees- pracownikami)
  • internal/ external teams – wewnętrzne/ zewnętrzne zespoły
  • fixed schedule – stały rozkład dnia
  • participate/ take part in … – brać udział w … 
  • appreciate – doceniać/ cenić sobie

I really like managing people. I manage both the internal team of the company and the external teams.

I really enjoy managing my time and that I don’t have to copy the same things every day. I don’t have the fixed schedule.

I really appreciate that I have the opportunity to participate/ take part in interesting events: in the theaters, great restaurants, concert halls and stadiums. These events are not connected directly with my job but they are a nice way to spend free time.


What don’t you like about your job?

  • tiring – męczący
  • responsible – odpowiedzialny
  • manage resources – zarządzać środkami/ kapitałem

It’s a very tiring and responsible job

I manage very high resources and cannot make a mistake.


Are you strict or understanding as a manager?

  • strict – surowy/ wymagający
  • call by name – “być na ty”

I am strict. I don’t call my employees by their names.


Do you have an assistant? How do you organize your work?

  • prioritize – nadawać priortytet/ układać według znaczenia tematu

I have two assistants. One organizes my meetings and the other one does everything else. I meet them every morning and we discuss the schedule of the day. We prioritize tasks- decide about the most important things.

I decide which things I do myself and which I delegate to my assistants.

Assistants are very important to me. Without them I wouldn’t be able to respond to all e-mails, reply to letters, organize the work of the company.


What would you like to do in the next 5 or 10 years?

  • become a member of the board – zostać członkiem zarządu
  • front-line manager – menadżer zajmujący stanowisko wymagający aktywności (wbrew obiegowej opinii nie musi to być menadżer przysłowiowej front-office)
  • self-fulfillment – realiacja własnych ambicji, zamierzeń/ spełnienie
  • slow down – zwolnić tempo
  • freelance – niezależna praca typu “wolny strzelec”
  • render services – świadczyć usługi

A very interesting question. I had an offer some time ago to become the member of the board. But I really like my job, I like being a front-line manager. I also enjoy the time which I spend with my family, the time which I have for sport and other passions, for the self-fulfillment.

I would like to slow down and open my freelance activity. I would like to become an independent expert and render services to big business.