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Violence in the Sky. Lotnictwo/ Prawo/ Medycyna.


assistance- pomoc/ wsparcie

The passengers provided assistance to the cabin crew- Pasażerowie udzielili wsparcia/ pomocy personelowi pokładowemu.


release from …- zwolnić z …

A few days before the incident the passenger was released from psychiatric hospital- Kilka dni przed zdarzeniem pacjent został wypuszczony ze szpitala psychiatrycznego.


at no point…- w żadnym razie/ ani przez chwilę/ nawet przez moment

At no point the passengers were in danger- Nawet przez chwilę pasażerowie nie byli zagrożeni.

Full text:

The heavily armed (ostro/ mocno uzbrojony) Australian security personnel boarded the Malaysia Airlines  plane when the passenger tried to intrude the cockpit and threaten the safety (wtargnąć do kokpitu i zagrozić bezpieczeństwu) of flight. The airplane was scheduled (zaplanowany)  to fly to Kuala Lumpur but was forced to return to Melbourne. The intruder turned out to be a 25 year old citizen of Sri Lanka who was released from (zwolniony z …)  the psychiatric hospital a week before the incident. He suddenly  stood up and ran towards the cockpit shouting that he has some explosive (materiał wybuchowy) . He was immediately wrestled down (powalony) by the crew and the passengers who  provided the assistance (zapewnić pomoc). The Malaysia Airlines press officer underlines (rzecznik prasowy podkreśla…)  that at no point (and przez chwilę) the aircraft was hijacked (porwany).  In Melbourne the passenger was escorted off (wyprowadzony) the airplane by the heavily armed personnel. The man who has been studying in Australia on a student visa will appear in court on charges related to endangering a plane or making a false threat (zarzuty sprowadzenia niebezpieczeństwa na samolot lub przedstawienia fałszywych gróźb). Such charges carry a maximum penalty (są obciążone maksymalną karą)  of 10 years in prison. The government of the state of Victoria offered to the passengers all support needed.



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Medical Problems in the Air.

responsible for … – odpowiedzialny za

provide with…-  zapewnić/ dostarczyć…

relevant medical care- odpowiednia/ właściwa opieka medyczna

recognize the situation properly- odpowiednio/ właściwie rozpoznać sytuację

request assistance- poprosić o pomoc

appropriately- odpowiednio/ właściwie.

It is the cabin crew who are responsible for assisting the passengers and provide them with relevant medical care if this is needed. The airline pilots are not trained to intervene in case of the medical emergency on board. Of course it is impossible for the pilots to help physically but they need to recognize the situation properly in order to request adequate assistance from the ATC officers and give/ receive messages appropriately.

common- powszechny

stroke- wylew

bleeding/ haemorrhage-  krwawienie

nausea- nudności

diarrhea- biegunka

choking- zakrztuszenie/ zadławienie

fainting- omdlenie

collapse- utrata świadomości

suffer from...- cierpieć na

result in …- spowodować/ wywołać …

  1. Proszę odpowiedzieć na pytanie: What are the most common medical emergencies or conditions which may happen on board of the airline plane? Proszę wykorzystać w odpowiedzi następujące wyrażenia: stroke/ heart attack/ bleeding/ nausea/  diarrhea/ choking/ fainting/ collapse.
  2. Proszę odpowiedzieć na pytanie: What would you do if the cabin crew reported that one of the passengers suffered from heart attack? Proszę rozpocząć odpowiedź od: ‘I would inform the ATC that …./ I would ask the cabin crew to …/ I would/ I would’ in form the passengers because …./ I would request the ATC to …../
  3. Proszę odpowiedzieć na pytanie: What situations in the air may make the passengers feel very stressed? Proszę użyć konstrukcji: The common situations which may cause stress in the air are ….. These situations may result in ….. among the passengers.
  4. What do you do to minimize the stress in the cockpit? W odpowiedzi proszę odnieść się do następujących pojęć: family- / work stress/ diet/ sleep/ experience/ education.

The common symptoms of the heart attack are: chest pains, difficulty in breathing and collapse.  The cabin crew should use the cardiac monitor and provide CPR.

The symptoms of the hypoglycaemic episode are sweating, disorientation and dizziness. The cabin crew should give the glucose injections.

There are many symptoms of severe allergic reactions: turning read, scratching, sweating, etc. The problem may really become dangerous if the patient left the medicaments in the hold. The Cabin crew must act promptly. The should inject the antihistamine drugs or adrenaline.

Czasowniki modalne: https://ilcs.eu/czasowniki-modalne-beginners-a/

Po wysłuchaniu nagrania, proszę opisać sytuację: Proszę udzielić następujących informacji: 

  • what is the problem?
  • who has problems?
  • what does the pilot request?
  • what is the condition of the patient?


Proszę odpowiedzieć na powyższe pytania także po wysłuchaniu poniższego nagrania:


Proszę odpowiedzieć na powyższe pytania także po wysłuchaniu poniższego nagrania:







The Best Age to Become a Mother. Medycyna.


associate with … – kojarzyć z …

Many people associate pregnancy with young age, but it changes- Wiele osób kojarzy ciążę z młodym wiekiem, ale to się zmienia.


quadruple- czterokrotnie się zwiększyć

The amount of mothers who have children at the later age has quadrupled– Ilość mam rodzących dzieci w późniejszym wieku zwiększyła się czterokrotnie.


miscarriage- poronienie

Older women are more prone to miscarriage in their pregnancy- Późna ciąża jest obciążona wyższym ryzykiem poronienia.

Full text:

Between 20 and 35, according to the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. During these 15 years, it’s easier to conceive (zajść w ciążę/ spłodzić) , and you are less likely to have high blood pressure, a miscarriage (poronienie) or require a caesarian section . You’re also more likely to cope with sleep deprivation (break snu) and have enough energy to win the mum’s race at sports day.

But what’s the best age to start bringing up a child? According to research at Aarhus University in Denmark, it may be a bit older – mid-30s upwards. In a study of 4,741 Danish mothers, being older was associated with (kojarzony z …) raising children with fewer behavioural, social and emotional difficulties at ages seven and 11. In Denmark, the average age for having children is 30.9, and the proportion of babies born to mothers over the age of 40 has quadrupled (zwiększyła się czterokrotnie) since 1985.  Women who delay childbirth are often more educated, financially more secure and in more stable relationships (stabilne związki) than younger mothers. But also … older mothers have greater emotional maturity (dojrzałość emocjonalna), tend to be more forgiving and are more flexible in their parenting.The Danish study found that older mothers (over the age of 33) were less likely to verbally or physically punish (karać ustnie lub fizycznie) their children.

Last month, research from the Max Planck Institute found that children born to older mothers did better in cognitive ability tests (testy umiejętności poznawczych) than those born to younger mothers. These tests are thought to be predictors for educational achievements and health in later life.

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawi artykułu: ‘What’s The Best Age to Become a Mother?’, opublikowanego na theguardian.com 27.03.2017



Supplements: Danger and Wasting Money. Medycyna.


have the right diet- stosować odpowiednią dietę

Only a low percentage of people have the right diet– Tylko niewielki procreant ludzi stosuje odpowiednią dietę.


unnecessary expense- zbędny wydatek

The scientists believe that buying supplements is an unnecessary expense– Naukowcy uważają, że kupowanie suplementów stanowi zbędny wydatek.


contribute to …- przyczynić się do …/ mieć udział w …

Eating the right diet contributes to our good overall condition- Stosowanie odpowiedniej diety przyczynia się do naszego dobrego ogólnego stanu zdrowia.

Full text:

Research claims multivitamins and minerals do not improve mothers’ or babies’ health and are an unnecessary expense. The sellers of supplements said they could help women who do not eat the foods recommended, or in the right quantities, during pregnancy. Evidence from the national diet and nutrition survey shows that few women eat the right diet. For example, only 30% of women eat five portions of fruit and vegetables daily and just 11% of women eat oily fish, which contains omega-3 fatty acids proven in EU law to contribute to the normal development of a foetus’s brain and eye.