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Orthorexia. The Healthy Food Obsession Disease. Medycyna/ Fitness.

distinct from- odmienny od…/ inny niż..

widespread condition- powszechna choroba/ popularne zaburzenie, etc.

currently- obecnie

to recognize- uznać/ uważać za …

to present symptoms- ukazywać/ “zdradzać” objawy.

Distinct from other eating disorders, orthorexia is “an unhealthy obsession with otherwise healthy eating”. It’s unknown how widespread the condition is because it is not currently recognized as a clinical diagnosis. As awareness of healthy eating grows and more consumers than ever before go vegan and gluten free, clinicians say they are encountering more patients presenting orthorexia symptoms. Now, some health experts are calling for its formal recognition.

exclusively- wyłącznie/ jedynie

allergic to …- uczulony na …

blood tests- badania krwi

convenient- wygodne/ łatwe, etc.

it is estimated  that …- szacuje się/ uważa się, że …

to suffer from … – cierpieć na …

Twenty years ago, many of the patients  with anorexia were vegetarians. Now, they also talk about eating exclusively organic food or say that they are lactose intolerant and allergic to gluten, when their blood tests show that they are not. These explanations are convenient ways to hide their fear of eating high calorie foods or foods prepared by others. It is estimated that nowadays more than 30 million people may suffer from this condition in the US alone.

at a time- okresowo/ “co jakiś czas”, etc.

grocery aisles- alejka ( tutaj: w sklepach)  z produktami spożywczymi

stocked with …- wypchane/ pełne … 

slippery road- śliski grunt

to develop eating disorder- zachorować/ zapaść na zaburzenia związane z odżywianiem się 

to run out of …- skończyć się/ wyczerpać się

These days, most of us probably know at least one person who, in an effort to be healthy cut out entire food groups or restricted eating to juice drinking  for days at a time. Supermarket grocery aisles are stocked with gluten free products and soy cheese, while vegan restaurants seem to pop up every month in a big city. In the US gluten free product sales increased 63% from 2012 to 2014, vegan cheese sales went up by 22% in 2014. But it’s a slippery road from trying to eat right to developing an eating disorder. People start to restrict certain food groups with the best of intentions. First they become vegetarian, then vegan, then raw and finally they may run out of the things to eat….


Old Age Loneliness. Medycyna.


lonely- samotny

People who are lonely in old age are not happy.


authorities- władze

Local authorities must understand that old age loneliness is not normal or necessary.


concerned with… – zajmujący się … 

Organisations concerned with older people regard loneliness as a health problem as well as a social one.

Full article: 

It seems that about one in 10 of people over 65 feels chronically lonely all or most of the time. A lot of this is due to things we think of as benefits (korzyści): easy transport so people have no need to go on living where they grew up (ludzie nie muszą mieszkać  w miejscu, w którym dorastali) and maybe elders in the family still live; and the ability to make arrangements (umawiać spotkania/ załatwiać sprawy, etc)  online, using digital skills which older people may not have.

Interestingly, organisations concerned with older people regard loneliness as a health problem as well as a social one. A lack of social connections is “a risk factor for early death”, which can be compared to smoking 15 cigarettes a day and is worse for the elderly than obesity (otyłość) and physical inactivity (brak aktywności fizycznej), according to the Campaign to End Loneliness website. Janet Morrison of Independent Age deplores (potępia)  negative attitudes towards loneliness, and says we need to help local authorities and the public accept that “there’s nothing wrong with admitting to being lonely, and things can be done to help reduce it” – though I don’t think she would approve of (zaakceptować/ zgodzić się na …)  the old suggestion of standing in a busy market with a lasso.

Morrison says we must help local authorities realise that being lonely is not normal or necessary. The irony of all this is that those who may be old and lonely now are the ones who may well have thought in the 60s that youth (młodość) and only youth was worth living or thinking about.

Moduł opracowany na podstawie artykułu: ‘Older People are under Threat of Loneliness’, opublikowanego na theguardian.com 20.06.2016.

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Marijuana Approved to Treat Period Pains? Medycyna/ Prawo.


ease the pain- złagodzić ból

The use of marijuana in medicine allows to ease the pain– Zastosowanie marihuany w medycynie pozwala złagodzić ból.


wellbeing- samopoczucie

Life without pain is the condition for improved wellbeing of the patients- Życie bez bólu jest warunkiem poprawy sampoczucia pacjentów.


clear advantage over …- jasna/ czytelna przewaga nad …

No side effects is the clear advantage of cannabis over the artificial/ chemical substances- Brak efektów ubocznych to wyraźna przewaga marihuany nad sztucznymi/ cehmicznymi substancjami.

Full text:

It is reported that the State of New York will approve (zatwierdzić/ zgodzić się na …) the use of marijuana to treat severe period pains (leczyć ostry ból towarzyszący menstruacji). The legislation of various states in the US already allows cannabis as a medication in case of cancer, AIDS and epilepsy to ease the accompanying pain (łagodzić towarzyszący ból)  and other symptoms of the conditions. The official statement says that the step will improve the women’s wellbeing (samopoczucie) and also their productivity during the menstruation. So far there haven’t been many medical methods to stop the pain which accompanies period. Mainly the oral contraceptives (środki antykoncepcyjne) which stop the ovulation or paracetamol-including pills. Meanwhile, the State of Colorado is experimenting with the mirijuana tampons which include two active cannabis ingredients, absorbed through the vaginal wall they block the nerves carrying the signal to the brain. The fact that the ingredients are absorbed only locally in the organism gives them the clear advantage over (czytelna/ jasna przewaga nad …) the aforementioned (wspomniane/ wymenione wcześniej) chemical substances.


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Violence in the Sky. Lotnictwo/ Prawo/ Medycyna.


assistance- pomoc/ wsparcie

The passengers provided assistance to the cabin crew- Pasażerowie udzielili wsparcia/ pomocy personelowi pokładowemu.


release from …- zwolnić z …

A few days before the incident the passenger was released from psychiatric hospital- Kilka dni przed zdarzeniem pacjent został wypuszczony ze szpitala psychiatrycznego.


at no point…- w żadnym razie/ ani przez chwilę/ nawet przez moment

At no point the passengers were in danger- Nawet przez chwilę pasażerowie nie byli zagrożeni.

Full text:

The heavily armed (ostro/ mocno uzbrojony) Australian security personnel boarded the Malaysia Airlines  plane when the passenger tried to intrude the cockpit and threaten the safety (wtargnąć do kokpitu i zagrozić bezpieczeństwu) of flight. The airplane was scheduled (zaplanowany)  to fly to Kuala Lumpur but was forced to return to Melbourne. The intruder turned out to be a 25 year old citizen of Sri Lanka who was released from (zwolniony z …)  the psychiatric hospital a week before the incident. He suddenly  stood up and ran towards the cockpit shouting that he has some explosive (materiał wybuchowy) . He was immediately wrestled down (powalony) by the crew and the passengers who  provided the assistance (zapewnić pomoc). The Malaysia Airlines press officer underlines (rzecznik prasowy podkreśla…)  that at no point (and przez chwilę) the aircraft was hijacked (porwany).  In Melbourne the passenger was escorted off (wyprowadzony) the airplane by the heavily armed personnel. The man who has been studying in Australia on a student visa will appear in court on charges related to endangering a plane or making a false threat (zarzuty sprowadzenia niebezpieczeństwa na samolot lub przedstawienia fałszywych gróźb). Such charges carry a maximum penalty (są obciążone maksymalną karą)  of 10 years in prison. The government of the state of Victoria offered to the passengers all support needed.