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external use- …

  • użycie zewnętrzne

This cream is only for external use– Ta maść jest przeznaczony wyłącznie do użycia zewnętrznego.

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Increase your Brainpower! Business / Medicine / Fitness (4 Registered Users)


  • outdoors – na świeżym powietrzu

Exercising outdoors is more beneficial to our body and mind- Ćwiczenie na świeżym powietrzu jest bardziej korzystne dla naszego ciała i umysłu.


  • self- confidence – pewność siebie

Learning new language increases self-confidence and brainpower- Nauka nowego języka zwiększa pewność siebie i możliwości mózgu


  • take advantage of … – wykorzystać …

People should always take advantage of every opportunity to increase their brainpower- Ludzie zawsze powinni wykorzystywać wszystkie okazje do zwiększenia możliwości swojego mózgu.

Full text:

  • irrespective of … – niezależnie od …
  • enterprise – przedsięwzięcie/ firma
  • aspiring for … – dążący / aspirujący do …
  • expand – zwiększyć / poszerzyć / rozbudować

Irrespective of being the president  of successful business enterprise or a youngster aspiring for success, you may expand  your brainpower in four ways, which are both pleasant and inspiring:

Learn new language or musical instrument

  • take the advantage of – wykorzystać / wykorzystywać
  • acquire – nabywać
  • trigger – spowodować / wywołać
  • in charge of … – odpowiedzialny za …

It is said that we when we enter middle-age we stop taking the advantage of the plasticity of our brain. We mostly use the skills that we have already acquired . Doing something new, complex and challenging such as learning to play a musical instrument or a new foreign language will trigger  to action those areas of the brain which are responsible for making and keeping connections with the spheres in charge of learning new things and keeping concentration.

Pay attention to your voice

  • self-confidence – pewność siebie
  • win the crowd – zdobyć tłum 😉  / popularność  / przekonać innych do siebie

We know many speakers whose communication puts us to sleep and those who can keep interest of the audience for a long time. Its is said that we should listen very carefully to the way we speak and communicate messages. It allows to energize our voice, play with it and improve our listening skills, builds  self-confidence  and allows to win the crowd .

Run/walk/swim/cycle. OUTDOORS!

  • outdoors – na świeżym powietrzu
  • predecessors – przodkowie
  • kickstart – dynamicznie: rozpocząć / nadać impet
  • processing of many stimulations – przetwarzanie wielu bodźców
  • adjust to … – przystosować się do … / dostosować się do …

The neuroscience results show that exercise reduces dementia by up to 60%. Modern anthropology suggests that it is due to our animal predecessors. When the animal makes long walks, they enter new territories which kickstarts the processing of many stimulations  which are necessary to adjust to  the new territories.

Get the rest according to the needs of your body

  • carry out the studies – przeprowadzić badania
  • brain cells – komórki mózgu
  • indicate clearly – jasno wskazywać
  • … which in turn allows to – które z kolei umożliwia …
  • process and consolidate – przetwarzać i konsolidować

The study carried out at the University of Rochester indicates clearly  that during the sleep, the brain cells open the channels which allow the waste to be eliminated. It also shows that the new connections between the neurons are opened, which in turn allows to process and consolidate the knowledge and experience which we learnt during the previous day. In the western world we gradually reduce the amount of sleep due to the modern inventions: from the electric bulb to 24/7 access of the Internet which all makes us ingore the signals when it’s time to sleep.

Przykładowe zastosowania  niektórych słów:

1. Irrespective of the consequences the manager decided to defend his team.

2. The enterprise was very successful and allowed the company to open many branches in the whole Poland.

3. The young employee aspires for success in the company.

4. When the company expanded its territory of operation the costs grew automatically.

5. We need to take advantage of the new market tendencies.

6. The nationawide company acquired some local distributors.

7. The downfall of the big factory triggered the crisis in the region.

8. He is the manager in charge of the human resources.

9. In order to achieve success in leading the team you must build your own self-confidence.

10. Although he is a manager, he spends much time outdoors monitoring the construction works.

11.He inherited the company from his family predecessors.

12. Food processing industry is partly responsible for many modern diseases.

13. You have to adjust to the style of working in this team or change the job.

14. The control indicates clearly that some money has been lost in unclear circumstances.

On the basis of various sources accessed in February 2015. The Guardian, The University of Rochester publishings as well as New Musical Express.



  • odżywianie

An adequate, healthy nutrition and regular exercise are sure ways to maintain good health and stay fit- Odpowiednie, zdrowe odżywianie się i regularne ćwiczenia to pewny przepis na bycie zdrowym i na zachowanie dobrej formy.

recommended procedure- …

  • zalecana procedura postępowania

What is the recommended procedure to deal with this type of symptoms– Jaka jest zalecana procedura postępowania z …/ w przypadku takich symptomów?

agree medication- …

  • zgodzić się/ ustalić sposób leczenia.

The doctors representing various branches of medicine agreed the medicationLekarze reprezentujący rozmaite gałęzie medycyny uzgodnili sposób leczenia pacjenta

diabetes- …

  • cukrzyca

My aunt suffers from diabetes and has to check her sugar level constantly- Moja ciotka jest chora na cukrzycę i musi nieustannie sprawdzać poziom cukru. 

transplantology- …

  • transplantologia

Transplantology is one of the fastest developing branches of medicine- Transplantologia jest jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się gałęzi medycyny.

Transplantology gives hope to the people suffering from the incurable diseases- Transplantologia daje nadzieję ludziom cierpiącym na nieuleczalne choroby.


wellbeing- …

  • samopoczucie

Life without pain is the condition for improved wellbeing of the patients- Życie bez bólu jest warunkiem poprawy sampoczucia pacjentów.


joint- …

  • staw

Joint health in strength sport should be supported with wrist /knee support and appropriate supplementation- Zdrowie stawów w sportach siłowych może być wspierane przez ochraniacze na nadgarstki / kolana oraz odpowiednią suplementację.

ease the pain- …

  • złagodzić ból

The use of marijuana in medicine allows to ease the pain Zastosowanie marihuany w medycynie pozwala złagodzić ból.