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United Airlines Aid to New York. Business / Aviation (dostęp otwarty)

Z prowadzonego przeze mnie improve-your-aviation-English-blog na stronie icao4u.pl + dużo fajnego słownictwa biznesowego

  • offer free flights to medical volunteers – oferować ochotnikom medycznym darmowe loty
  • outbreak of epidemic – wybuch epidemii
  • fight off … more effectively –  zwalczać … bardziej skutecznie
  • committed to the cause – oddany sprawie / zaangażowany
  • develop medical flight program – opracować/ wdrożyć plan lotów medycznych
  • meet demand – sprostać potrzebom

In cooperation with the city of New York, United Airlines will be offering free flights to medical volunteers wishing to travel to New York to help with the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic. Thanks to it additional medical staff will allow the city to fight off the coronavirus more effectively. It is clear that United is committed to this cause as  it is looking to further develop this medical flight program. It will develop in “additional areas in the Tri-State region” to meet demand in other regions.

  • free round-trip – darmowy lot powrotny
  • provide adequate housing – zapewnić odpowiednie zakwaterowanie
  • perform roles effectively – skutecznie wykonywać zadania
  • lend support- oferować pomoc / wsparcie

The airline will offer a free round-trip to medical volunteers. However, it is also working with local governments to help provide adequate housing and transport to ensure that these volunteers perform their roles effectively.

“The New Yorkers working on the frontlines of COVID-19 have been and continue to be incredibly brave and tireless in their efforts. To know there are health care heroes across the country who are willing to step in and lend their support, and that United stands ready to fly them here, is wonderfully heartening. The Mayor’s Fund is deeply grateful for our trusted partners in the business community during these trying times.”

WATCH HERE the incredible Antonov’s departure with Russian aid to the United States