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The Amazing Goodbye by Air Berlin. Lotnictwo/ Prawo.



scream in terror- krzyczeć z przerażenia

The passengers were screaming in terror– Pasażerowie krzyczeli z przerażenia.


suspend the pilot- zawiesić pilota

The airlines suspended the pilot– Linie lotnicze zawiesiły pilota w wykonywaniu obowiązków.


conduct the investigation- przeprowadzić śledztwo

The prosecutor’s office is conducting the investigation– Prokuratura prowadzi śledztwo.

Full text:

During the last long-distance flight, Airbus A330 pilot handled the approach (podejście) to the Dusseldorf Airport in the memorable way. The landing attempt was aborted (próba lądowania została przerwana) and the pilot performed a low pass (wykonał niski przelot)  around the control tower.  Some onlookers definitely enjoyed the view, however the some of the passengers reportedly screamed in terror (krzyczeli z przerażenia). Also, the people in the terminal were worried. Air Berlin has already suspended the pilot (zawiesili pilota) and the -co-pilot and German Federal Aviation Office is conducting the investigation (prowadzi śledztwo/ dochodzenie) . Following the incident the pilot said to ZDF: ‘We wanted to make a mark (wykonać gest) , a dignified and emotional goodbye (godne i emocjonalne pożegnanie)‘.


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Security Measures at the Airports.


before boarding- przed wejściem na pokład

Border officers screen the passengers before boarding- Oficerowie kontroli granicznej sprawdzają pasażerów przed wejściem na pokład.


fill additional form- wypełnić dodatkowe formularze

The passengers who fly Air France will have to fill additional forms– Pasażerowie lecący liniami Air France będą musieli wypełnić dodatkowe formularze.


cause disruptions- powodować zakłócenia

The new security measures will not cause major disruptions– Nowe środki bezpieczeństwa nie spowodują większych zakłóceń.

Full text:

The new security measures  (środki bezpieczeństwa) as announced by President Trump’s administration are coming into force (wchodzą w życie o przepisach/ regulacjach). All passengers (including the British) may be asked questions about the purpose of their journey to the United States, how much money they bring, they may be requested to switch off their mobile devices and laptops before boarding (przed wejściem na pokład) in order to prove that they do not have any hostile intentions (wrogie/ niebezpieczne zamiary). Air France passengers will have to fill additional forms (wypełnić dodatkowe formularze)  and everybody flying from the Emirates will have to undergo screening (przejść kontrolę/ zostać poddanym kontroli) at check-in. The measures do not come as a surprise to (nie są niespodzianką dla …) the airlines as they were announced at a 120-day notice (ze 120-dniowym wyprzedzeniem). The passengers will have to plan for more time as the check-in and boarding may take considerably longer time. However, all ensure that the regulations will not cause any major disruptions (nie spowoduje większych zakłóceń). Lisa Farbstein, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), said: ‘ threats continue to evolve (zmieniać się/ ewoluować), we and our partners around the world will continue to work together to improve intelligence sharing (współpraca wywiadowcza) and standardise best practices, while also pursuing technological advancements (śledzenie/ wykorzystywanie technologicznego postępu) that will make flying more secure for everyone.’


To Bury Pets in the Human Cemeteries… Prawo.


find the room for…- znaleźć miejsce dla (także przenośnie)

We will find the room for one more passenger- Znajdziemy miejsce dla jeszcze jednego pasażera.

The law doesn’t find the room for this types of contract within the legal system- Prawo nie przewiduje miejsca dla tego typu umów w ramach porządku prawnego.


designated for- przeznaczone dla

These places are designated for the residents only- Te miejsca przeznaczone są wyłącznie dla mieszkańców.


advocate- opowiadać się za …/ wspierać ( ostatnio bardzo popularny synonim dla ‘support’)

Many citizens advocate the idea of enabling the people to be buried alongside their dogs- Wielu obywateli opowiada się za umożliwieniem ludziom pochówku obok ich psów.

Full text:

The burial (pochówek) of pet remains (szczątki) in cemeteries designated for (przeznaczone dla) humans is illegal most countries.  Like most other rules referring to (odnoszące się do …/ dotyczące …)   funerals, these are often based on a cultural sense of what is appropriate (odpowiedni). But for increasingly more people being buried alongside their animal companion is the last wish. Many people advocate (opowiada się za …/ wspiera) the idea of of  “whole-family cemeteries” in which all members of the family, including pets, could be buried together. Of course, it depends on what people consider to be the role of pets in their lives. Interestingly, in many countries (i.e. the USA and France) laws and policies find the room (przewidują miejsce dla …/ możliwość …) to make these burials happen. There are lots of stories people tell about the families sneaking (“przemycający”) the ashes of the dogs to the caskets (urny) of their deceased (zmarli) family members.  Why should people have to sneak rather than do it openly and legally? Eloise Woods in Texas  has already a section  in the park:  76 animals are buried in family plots, waiting for their people, and three animals are already buried with their owners.

Photo by Rachel Omnès on Unsplash

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Barking Dogs… The Best Alarm System;) Prawo/ Biznes.


barking dogs- szczekające psy

Barking dogs can deter the criminals from entering the property- Szczekające psy mogą odstraszyć przestępców przed wtargniecięm na nieruchomość.


preventive measures- środki zaradcze/ zapobiegawcze

The house owners do not take enough preventive measures to protect their property- Właściciele domów nie podejmują wystarczających środków zaradczych chroniących ich własność.


incidental occurrences- przypadkowe zdarzenia

Incidental occurrences may sometimes save the house owners- Przypadkowe zdarzenia mogą czasem uratować właścicieli domów.

Full text:

Old-school combined with modern technology works best… Here is the evidence. Recently, the group of reformed criminals (zresocjalizowani przestępcy) pointed to cctv (zainstalowane kamery) and barking dogs (szczekające psy) as the best deterrent (odstraszacz/ środek odstraszający) for the burglars. There are also other factors which put off (zniechęcają) the criminals: tv on or motion activated security lights (światła włączające się po wykryciu ruchu) or another yardstick of time bygone (symbol minionych czasów): heavy doors and fences. On the other hand, the burglars and thieves seem to monitor the social media and choose their next targets on the basis of the i.e. million-dollar- mansion (willa) owners’ posts on Instagram announcing proudly they would be off for the skiing holidays in the Alps for the coming two weeks. So far in the United States only 5% of  house owners bought and installed motion activating alarm systems which seem to be effective in discouraging the criminals from trespassing (wtargnięcie) the property. In the United Kingdom only 25% of the population have taken any preventive measures against (podjęli środki zaradcze/ zapobiegawcze) the burglars.The burglars usually want to be in-and-out within five minutes and sometimes incidental occurrences (przypadkowe zdarzenia) deter them… like a car parked in the dark street or attentive neighbors (uważni sąsiedzi).

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Marijuana Approved to Treat Period Pains? Medycyna/ Prawo.


ease the pain- złagodzić ból

The use of marijuana in medicine allows to ease the pain– Zastosowanie marihuany w medycynie pozwala złagodzić ból.


wellbeing- samopoczucie

Life without pain is the condition for improved wellbeing of the patients- Życie bez bólu jest warunkiem poprawy sampoczucia pacjentów.


clear advantage over …- jasna/ czytelna przewaga nad …

No side effects is the clear advantage of cannabis over the artificial/ chemical substances- Brak efektów ubocznych to wyraźna przewaga marihuany nad sztucznymi/ cehmicznymi substancjami.

Full text:

It is reported that the State of New York will approve (zatwierdzić/ zgodzić się na …) the use of marijuana to treat severe period pains (leczyć ostry ból towarzyszący menstruacji). The legislation of various states in the US already allows cannabis as a medication in case of cancer, AIDS and epilepsy to ease the accompanying pain (łagodzić towarzyszący ból)  and other symptoms of the conditions. The official statement says that the step will improve the women’s wellbeing (samopoczucie) and also their productivity during the menstruation. So far there haven’t been many medical methods to stop the pain which accompanies period. Mainly the oral contraceptives (środki antykoncepcyjne) which stop the ovulation or paracetamol-including pills. Meanwhile, the State of Colorado is experimenting with the mirijuana tampons which include two active cannabis ingredients, absorbed through the vaginal wall they block the nerves carrying the signal to the brain. The fact that the ingredients are absorbed only locally in the organism gives them the clear advantage over (czytelna/ jasna przewaga nad …) the aforementioned (wspomniane/ wymenione wcześniej) chemical substances.


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Violence in the Sky. Lotnictwo/ Prawo/ Medycyna.


assistance- pomoc/ wsparcie

The passengers provided assistance to the cabin crew- Pasażerowie udzielili wsparcia/ pomocy personelowi pokładowemu.


release from …- zwolnić z …

A few days before the incident the passenger was released from psychiatric hospital- Kilka dni przed zdarzeniem pacjent został wypuszczony ze szpitala psychiatrycznego.


at no point…- w żadnym razie/ ani przez chwilę/ nawet przez moment

At no point the passengers were in danger- Nawet przez chwilę pasażerowie nie byli zagrożeni.

Full text:

The heavily armed (ostro/ mocno uzbrojony) Australian security personnel boarded the Malaysia Airlines  plane when the passenger tried to intrude the cockpit and threaten the safety (wtargnąć do kokpitu i zagrozić bezpieczeństwu) of flight. The airplane was scheduled (zaplanowany)  to fly to Kuala Lumpur but was forced to return to Melbourne. The intruder turned out to be a 25 year old citizen of Sri Lanka who was released from (zwolniony z …)  the psychiatric hospital a week before the incident. He suddenly  stood up and ran towards the cockpit shouting that he has some explosive (materiał wybuchowy) . He was immediately wrestled down (powalony) by the crew and the passengers who  provided the assistance (zapewnić pomoc). The Malaysia Airlines press officer underlines (rzecznik prasowy podkreśla…)  that at no point (and przez chwilę) the aircraft was hijacked (porwany).  In Melbourne the passenger was escorted off (wyprowadzony) the airplane by the heavily armed personnel. The man who has been studying in Australia on a student visa will appear in court on charges related to endangering a plane or making a false threat (zarzuty sprowadzenia niebezpieczeństwa na samolot lub przedstawienia fałszywych gróźb). Such charges carry a maximum penalty (są obciążone maksymalną karą)  of 10 years in prison. The government of the state of Victoria offered to the passengers all support needed.



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Some British Tourists’ Insurance Cheat… Biznes/ Prawo.


losses- straty

False claims bring losses to the hoteliers- Fałszywe pozwy przynoszą straty właścicielom hoteli.


as a matter of fact- w istocie/ tak naprawdę

As a matter of fact, the great majority of claims are simply false – W istocie, zdecydowana większość pozwów jest po prostu fałszywa.


losses will be calculated in …- straty będą liczone w …/ będą opiewać na …

If the false claims are made, the losses will be calculated in millions– Jeśli fałszywe pozwy będą zgłaszane, straty będą liczone w milionach. 

Full text:

The tourists who continue to make false accusations of (fałszywe oskarżenia o …) food poisoning against hotel owners may face prosecution (postępowanie karne). Especially the Spanish hoteliers (właściciele hoteli) are furious (wściekli) as the fraudulent insurance claims (sfałszowane pozwy ubezpieczeniowe) cost them over 60 million EUR last year. It is estimated that 90% claims are false! The number of tourists making complaints about the stomach problems soared (gwałtownie wzrósł) over the last 12 months. The cases are usually reported by the tourists who have chosen ‘all inclusive’ options. According to the lawyers the problem and the scale results from the fact that there is no official medical report needed to make an insurance claim. As a matter of fact (w istocie/ tak naprawdę), numerous cases refer to the situations from three or four years ago! Both the hotel owners and insurers are worried about the coming holiday season because if the number of claims continues to rise, the losses will be calculated in (straty będą liczone w …) hundreds of millions. Various tourist organizations warn that the British tourists may be stigmatized as a result and the prices will grow in the most popular resorts (najbardziej popularne kurorty).


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How to Write a Letter of Application.



(Your name, address)

(Recipient’s name, address)


Dear Sirs,

I am writing to you to apply for the English language course at _____________ (name of the school) from _____ (date) to _____(date). My current level of English language command is considered to be pre-FCE level.

I am an 18 year old  secondary school student in Szczecin. In one year I am going to graduate from the school and enter the Department of  _____  (name) at the University of _____ (name). I have been studying English for eight years and have already passed FCE exam at grade ____(grade).  At the moment both at school and at the courses I am attending in the afternoons I am preparing to CAE exam, which I am going to have taken by the end of the year 2002.

Not only have I been interested in the language itself, but I am also keen on British culture and life. When being to Britain last year I had a chance to do sightseeing and some locations and monuments turned out to impress me a lot. Namely: ___________ (write two or three).

I am absolutely confident that my prospective study at your school will contribute significantly to my English language headway as well as offer me the chance to know Britain and its people better. I am devoted and eager to undertake various projects young person. I do take pleasure in studying and I am looking forward to joining the course at your school.

With kind regards

Jan Kowalski  (your signature in hand ABOVE printed)