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DarkNet- the Illegal Corner of Internet. Law / Business / Technology (4 All Users)


  • fake- fałszywy

Fake documents are often offered on the Internet  – Fałszywe dokumenty są często oferowane w Internecie.


  • prime quality – wysoka jakość/ jakość premium

Prime quality drugs are easy to purchase on the Internet- W Internecine łatwo jest kupić najczystsze/ najwyższej jakości narkotyki


  • traffic in … – prowadzić nielegalną sprzedaż …

Trafficking in illegal commodities and services seems much safer on the Internet- Nielegalna sprzedaż zakazanych towarów i usług wydaje się znacznie bardziej bezpieczna w Internecie.

Full text:

  • prime quality – najwyższej jakości / najczystsza
  • money laundering – pranie pieniędzy
  • fake – fałszywe
  • accessible – dostępny
  • commodities and services – towary i usługi
  • suspicious identity – podejrzana tożsamość

DarkNet, the corner of Internet that not many users have access to. Trafficking in prime quality cocaine, unregistered guns, money laundering services. Confidential information databases and fake  passports. DarkNet is not accessible through the regular search engines but through the dedicated software products which guarantee anonymity. The transactions are made with cryptocurrencies. This makes it a particularly desired channel to sell the illegal goods/ commodities  and services. A lot of Darknet sites have specialized advisors who inform the users how to maneuvre in order to stay anonymous and to avoid suspicious identity checks.

WATCH HERE the interesting film about dark net

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Artificial Intelligence Replacing Lawyers…? Business/ Technology/Law (4 Registered USers)


  • found- założyć (“found” jest czasownikiem regularnym i nie należy go mylić z “find-found-found”)

Mike Johnson founded the company in 1997.


  • succeed- odnieść sukces / powieść się / udać się

– Legalist succeeded in making market realize how advanced artificial intelligence technology already is.


  • consecutive- kolejne/ następujące po sobie

He was awarded the title of the manager of the year in the three consecutive years.

Full text:

  • found – założyć
  • vast database – ogromna baza danych
  • determine likelihood – określić prawdopodobieństwo
  • succeed – odnieść sukces
  • judgement – tutaj: zasądzona kwota
  • would-be litigant – przyszły powód

Legalist, founded by a pair of Harvard students, uses a vast database  of local legal records to determine the likelihood  that the case will succeed : and if the algorithm says the case can win, Legalist funds the suit in exchange for up to 50% of the judgment .  The  algorithm allows a would-be litigant to learn if they are likely to win their case.

  • tie up – tutaj: uwięzić / wpaść w pułapkę
  • costly litigation – kosztowne postępowanie sądowe
  • drop out of college – zostać usuniętym ze studiów

Eva Shang co-founded the startup with a $100,000 Thiel Foundation grant. Shang said the startup focuses on small businesses tied up in costly litigation. Thiel Foundation  famously pays students who  drop out of college, and Shang is among this summers group of former students.

  • attend consecutive meetings – być obecnym / przychodzić na kolejne spotkania
  • backers – wspierający
  • deceive – oszukać

At the moment, Shang and Christian Haigh, the other founder say that the press attention on the  startup, “has been stressful”.  The pair is attending consecutive meetings  at a conference sponsored by one of the startup’s other backers , Ycombinator.

Ycombinator’s Sam Altman said:

“there are a lot of people who really get deceived by the legal system and who end up unable to defend themselves,” 

Watch the great film about opportunities and dangers of using artificial intelligence legal robots: LINK

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie artykułu: ‘Peter Thiel has Backed a Start-up that Makes it Easier to Sue and Win’.

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Cyber-Attack on British Hospitals. Technology / Law / Medicine (4 Registered Users)


  • restore access- odzyskać dostęp

The access of the patients to the files is restored.


  • investigate the matter- badać sprawę/ prowadzić śledztwo

The anti-cyber-attack police department is investigating the case.


  • take precautionary measures- podejmować środki zapobiegawcze

In face of the cyber-attacks the companies have to take urgent precautionary measures.

Full text:

  • affect … – mieć wpływ na …
  • trust – fundacja
  • run five hospitals – prowadzić pięć szpitali
  • attachments – załączniki
  • urgently investigate this matter – pilnie badać sprawę / prowadzić pilne śledztwo w sprawie
  • precautionary measures – środki zapobiegawcze

The largest NHS archive in England has been hit by a cyber-attack that could affect thousands of files across at least four London hospitals. Barts health trust, which runs five hospitals  in east London has sent a message to staff asking them not to open email attachments from unknown senders. Barts is urgently investigating this matter  and has taken a few precautionary measures.

  • patient data have been ripped – włamano się do danych pacjentów

The trust has not said how much of its system has been affected by the attack or if patient data have been ripped. The employees have been informed of a major cyber-attack on NHS organizations.

  • the health and care sector – sektor opieki zdrowotnej
  • malware – złośliwe oprogramowanie
  • encrypt file – szyfrować pliki
  • demand a ransom – zażądać okupu
  • restore access – przywrócić dostęp
  • cancel patient appointments – odwołać wizyty pacjentów
  • valuable information – cenna informacja
  • tempting target – kuszący cel

This issue highlights the fact that there are threats to data security within the health and care sector, as with any other sector. In October, the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole foundation trust was hit by an attack in which malware  was used to encrypt file  and demand a ransom  in order to restore access. The trust did not pay the ransom but was forced to cancel patient appointments  as its systems were shut down to remove the virus. The trouble is that local authorities and governments aren’t very prepared and they have extremely valuable information  that simply can’t be lost, so they’re a tempting target for cybercriminals.

  • detecting threats – wykrywanie zagrożeń
  • expel from the network – usunąć z sieci

Cyber defence is essential, but it’s no longer enough; organisations of all sizes need to invest in detecting threats as well. Only then will cyber criminals be caught early enough to expel them from the network before serious damage is done.

Watch HERE the Film on the Cyberattack on the Lost Angeles Hospital

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie artykułu: ‘London NHS Hospital Trust Hit by the Cyber-Attack’, opublikowanego na theguardian.com


Conviction Upheld… Law. (4 Registered Users)


case- sprawa

This case takes a very long time.


involved in …- zaangażowany w …/ zamieszany w …

It has been proven that the accused was involved in many criminal activities


set a precedent- tworzyć/ ustanowić precedens

The verdict sets the precedent for the future examination  of cases.

Full text:

  • uphold the verdict – podtrzymać wyrok
  • Nazi guard – strażnik nazistowski
  • accuse of … – oskarżyć o …
  • appeal the ruling – złożyć apelację od wyroku
  • gather and sort valuables – zbierać i porządkować kosztowności
  • to be involved in … – byż zaangażowanym / tutajzamieszanym w …

A German federal court has  upheld the conviction  of a former Nazi guard at the Auschwitz death camp. Oskar Gröning, now 95 years old, was accused of participating in the murder of 300,000 Jews. He appealed the ruling  because he said he was only responsible for gathering and sorting valuables  at Auschwitz, and was not involved in any crimes .

  • set a precedent – ustanowić / stanowić precedens
  • prosecute – ścigać / stawiać w stan oskarżenia
  • prosecutors lack evidence prokuratorom brakuje dowodów
  • pending – oczekujące na rozstrzygnięcie

The decision sets a precedent for prosecuting  Nazi criminals; the ruling marks the first time an appeals court has determined that helping a concentration camp operate—or as the judge put it, participating in the “machinery of death”—is enough to be convicted, even if prosecutors lack evidence of specific killings. Deutsche Welle reports that the decision could affect several other pending Nazi wartime cases.

Watch the news coverage HERE

Moduł językowy opracowany na podstawie artykułu: German Court Upholds Former Nazi Guard Conviction, opublikowanego na the.atlantic.com 


Legal Aspects: Immigration to Poland . Law (4 Registered Users)

  • non-EU nationals – obywatele krajów spoza Unii Europejskiej
  • to benefit from – korzystać z …, skorzystać na …
  • to remove restrictions – usunąć ograniczenia
  • to ease procedures – uławić procedurę
  • residence permit – pozwolenie na pobyt
  • employment permit – pozwolenie na pracę
  • a measure – środek/ sposób/instrument
  • to expire – zakończyć się/ upłynąć (o terminie)/ wygasnąć (o okresie obowiązywania)
  • termination – zakończenie
  • to come into effect – wejść w życie/ zacząć obowiązywać
  • provision – postanowienie
  • temporary residence – pobyt tymczasowy

Non-EU nationals interested in settling in Poland benefit from the new law signed by the President of Poland.  The changes remove restrictions and ease procedures for those applying for residence and employment permits, including a measure intended to help foreign students at Polish academic institutions remain in the country following graduation.

The new law means that foreigners are able to apply for work and residence permits in a single procedure. Also, instead of a residency permit expiring immediately upon termination of employment, the new law provides a one-month period during which foreigner residents can search for a new job.

Certain obstacles for foreigners will remain. The law that came into effect in May includes the provision that employers interested in employing people from outside of the EU will still need to demonstrate that the local job market is insufficient to fill those positions. Foreigners applying for temporary residence will also need to provide proof of health insurance, detailed employment information, and information on financial resources to cover living expenses.

Opracowane na podstawie artykułu: Poland’s New Immigration Law na krakowpost.com


Sentence: Keep Sobriety! Law (4 Registered Users)


prison sentence – wyrok więzienia

Prison sentence is a very expensive form of punishment – Wyrok więzienia jest bardzo kosztowna formą karania.


commit crimes – popełniać przestępstwa

Thanks to the programme, the offenders who commit minor crimes will not go to prison – Dzięki programowi, przestępcy popełniający drobne przestępstwa nie pójdą do więzienia.


keep off… – trzymać sieę z daleka od …/ odstawić …

It is the challenge for many offenders to keep off the alcohol – Trzymanie się z dala od …/ odstawienie alkoholu jest wyzwaniem dla wielu przestępców.

Full text:

  • keep sobriety – utrzymywać trzeźwość
  • prison sentence – wyrok pozbawienia wolności
  • effectiveness – skuteczność
  • commit crime – popełnić przestępstwo

The British government plans to give the courts the authority to force the alcohol-related  defendants to keep sobriety. Furthermore, abstinence may even be the alternative to the prison sentence. According to Prime Minister, who does not believe in the effectiveness of the long-term prison sentences, the ones who commit common damage crimes  may be forced to wear ‘sobriety bracelets’ for a couple of months.

  • keep off the alcohol – odstawić / trzymać się z daleka od alkoholu
  • estimate – szacować / oceniać
  • amount to … – wynosić / kosztować + suma

The bracelet is fitted around the ankle and automatically tests the wearer’s perspiration for alcohol every 30 minutes. If the offenders fail to keep off the alcohol, they will be given additional fines or, ultimately, go to prison. The method has already been tested in the United States with a promising rate of 27% fall in reoffending! The British budget estimates  that drink-crimes cost Great Britain a couple of billions of pounds yearly and the whole ‘bracelet’ programme will amount to 15 million pounds only. The Prime Minister has been very effective in fighting crime across Great Britain, the only areas that she has not been successfull in are alcohol- and drug- related crimes. That’s why she is targeting them right now.

WATCH HERE the video on sobriety tag: LINK


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Connecting Global Travelers: Real Time Translation. Technology / Business (4 Registered Users)

  • work out- opracować
  • translate any language in real time – tłumaczyć/ przekładać każdy język w czasie rzeczywistym

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines  worked out  to connect global travelers who speak different languages. The Airline has created seats that translate any language in real time, allowing travelers with different languages to understand each other. The KLM Connecting Seats were installed at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.

  • rest the head – oprzeć głowę
  • speakers on each side – głośniki z każdej strony
  • facilitate – umożliwiać / wspomagać

Each seat was designed for travelers to rest their head in the center with speakers on each side. A directional microphone facilitates the audio connection and the seats faced each other so that the people speaking could see each other and have a conversation, with each language spoken being translated.

  • include – zawierać / w tym …
  • exchange views – wymieniać poglądy/ opinie

KLM and its agency used Google’s Cloud Speech, Cloud Translation and Web Speech so that the seats automatically translated every language, including all dialects. The study found out that the guests most often exchanged views on the world and offered each other holiday greetings.

Watch KLM Presentation HERE

Źródło: mediapost.com

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Shanghai Limiting its Population. Business / Law (4 All Users)


attempt –  wykonywać próbę (także czasownik)

The local government of Shanghai attempts to make the city more comfortable for the residents – Samorząd Szanghaju próbuje sprawić by życie mieszkańców było bardziej komfortowe


set the limit – ustanowić limit/ wprowadzić ograniczenia

Shanghai sets the limits for the amount of newcomers who can settle down in the city – Szanghaj ustanawia limit przybyszy, którzy mogą osiedlić się w mieście.


underprivileged – biedni (rzeczownik i przymiotnik)

The city’s underprivileged may suffer most from the implemented solutions – Najbiedniejsi mieszkańcy miasta mogą najdotkliwiej odczuć wprowadzane rozwiązania.

Full text:

  • excessive traffic – nadmierne natężeni ruchu
  • unavailability – niedostępność
  • exceed – przekroczyć (np. barierę, ograniczenie, wartość liczbową)
  • largely unrealistic – znacząco / bardzo nierealny
  • suffer from … – cierpieć z … / na …

Shanghai, the financial hub of China,  sets the limit  of population until 2035 to 25 million people. It’s the attempt to cure the so called ‘big city disease’.  The characteristics of the big city disease: environmental pollution, excessive traffic , shortage of public services or even unavailability  of them. Also the city government restricted the total amount of land available for construction: it will not exceed  3 300 square kilometers. According to the critics, the plan is largely unrealistic  and unpractical, the migrant workers and the underprivileged  are likely to suffer from it.


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How Internet Changes English Language. Business / Law (4 Registered Users)


  • pay attention to … – zwracać uwagę na …

The writers should pay attention to the quality of language they use – Autorzy powinni zwracać uwagę na jakość języka, który używają.


match the context – pasować do kontekstu

The vocabulary we use should always match the language and general communication context Słownictwo, którego używamy powinno zawsze pasować do kontekstu językowego oraz ogólnie sytuacji komunikacyjnej.


  • in its entirety – w całość/ w pełni

John is the only person I know who read Shakespeare’s works in their entirety John jest jedyną znaną mi osobą, która przeczytała Szekspira w całości.

Full text:

  • evolve – ewoluować
  • play minor / major role – odgrywać mniejszą / główną rolę
  • pay little attention to … – zwracać niewielką uwagę na …
  • match the context – pasować do kontekstu

English has always evolved, like all living languages and right now Internet is playing major role in  the evolution of the language. On Internet we talk and write most freely  and naturally paying little attention to  how correct our grammar is and whether the vocabulary we use perfectly matches the context. But there is no need to panic.

  • vast majority of … – zdecydowana większość
  • in its entirety – w całości  / w pełni
  • punctuation – interpunkcja
  • emergence of new abbreviations – pojawienie się nowych skrótów

In the pre-Internet era people made mistakes as well:). And what’s more, studies show that the vast majority of  English used online is the same standard as it used to be 20/30 years ago. This is why when we read Hemingway in its entirety  we fully understand it, and the grandparents don’t need the translator when reading news feed on Internet. Of course, the new channels of communication affect the language: syntax, punctuation and the emergence of the new abbreviations.

  • craft utterances – budować wypowiedzi
  • attentively – uważnie
  • variety of opportunities – wybór/ różnorodność szans / możliwości

But we also become more aware of what we can achieve with the language: the limitation on the length of the message that Twitter imposed made people craft utterances  more carefully and attentively . Thanks to Internet we are exposed to the wide variety of language opportunities, dialects, slangs. Our linguistic awareness definitely benefits.

  • 0:35′ miscommunication – niezrozumienie
  • 1:04′ fundamentals – podstawowe zasady
  • 1:32′ indicate – oznaczać
  • 2:06 ‘ gestures – gesty
  • 2:08′ correspond – odpowiadać / przypominać / być podobnym do …
  • 2:17′ reinforce positive message – wzmacniać pozytywne znaczenie

Watch HERE excellent film about Internet language

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How to Write a Note to Colleagues at Work. Business / Law / Technology (4All Users)

There is one, generally acknowledged (ogólnie przyjęty/ uznany) form to start the business memo:

From: ( here you put the person or the group sending the message)

To: (person or group to whom the memo is addressed)

After that:
RE: (here, write the subject of the memo)

  1. Usually the memo is not as formal as the letter, however, use the common sense (zdrowy rozsądek). Everything depends on the context;
  2. The memos are usually written in a friendly style because this form of communication happens between the colleagues who are equal in rank (najczęściej na tym samym poziomie w hierarchii);
  3. The memos are always to the point (zwięzłe i na temat): there should be no commentaries or digressions; However, if necesssary, you may introduce the memo with a short introductory paragraph;
  4. Bullet points or numbers  to explain the most important parts are very helpful as they automatically bring to them the attention of the reader;
  5. Use short greeting form at the end. It doesn’t have to be over-formal.

Here is the example:
From: The Accountancy Department
To: East Division sales Staff
RE: Introduced Reporting System
We’d like to quickly  introduce you to some changes in the new quarterly reporting system (kwartalny system raportowania)  that was the subject of our discussion at  the special meeting held on (organizowany w …) Thursday, November 02. At first , we’d once again like to highlight (podkreślić)  that this new system will save you a lot of time when reporting. We do understand that you have worries about the time consumed on (czas poświęcony na …)  introducing the data to the system initially. Despite this preliminary effort (początkowy/ wstępny wysiłek), we are absolutely confident that you are going to appreciate the comfort of using the system soon..
Here is a look at the procedures:

  1. Log on to the company web site.
  2. Enter your ID and password.
  3. Enter the information.
  4. Make all the calculations in the same way as you have been doing so far.

Thank you all for your kind cooperation
