
to perform. Popularny czasownik we wszystkich kontekstach branżowych (4 All Users)

To popularne słowo, które poznajemy już w pierwszych miesiącach nauki języka angielskiego. Oczywiście, w kontekście scenicznym, teatralnym, etc.

  • The actors performed on stage in front of the fully-packed audience- Aktorzy odegrali przedstawienie przed pełną widownią.

Ale to słowo, które zrobiło o wiele szerszą karierę i na stałe weszło do  popularnych oraz specjalistycznych kontekstów ekonomicznych:

The performance of the selling targets is the prime duty in every team- Wykonanie celów sprzedażowych jest podstawowym obowiązkiem każdego zespołu.

The manager of the corporate-team performed very effectively last year- Menadżer zespołu firm korporacyjnych świetnie wywiązywał się ze swoich zadań/ obowiązków w zeszłym roku.

The trainee performed very well, we should offer him the contract- Stażysta świetnie się sprawdził, powinniśmy zaproponować mu umowę.




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The Future of Medicine is… Bioelectric. Medicine / Technology (4 Registered Users)

  • chronic condition – choroba przewlekła
  • diabetes – cukrzyca
  • prescribe – przepisać / zalecić
  • upcoming reality – nadchodząca / zbliżająca się rzeczywistość


If you suffer from chronic condition, such as diabetes or hypertension, your doctor may soon prescribe an implant to you. A small electronic device, introduced through standard micro-surgery, will change the messages your nerves send and thus, make you feel better. It is not the science fiction, it is the upcoming reality.

  • pacemaker – rozrusznik
  • irregular heartbeat – nieregularna praca serca
  • spinal cord – rdzeń kręgowy
  • relieve the patient from pain – uwolnić pacjenta od bólu
  • peripheral nervous system – obwodowy układ nerwowy
  • loosen – uelastycznić / oczyścić 
  • suffer from … – cierpieć na …

Electrical impulses have been used in medicine for long: pacemakers transferring impulses to the heart and correcting irregular heartbeat or electrical stimulation of the spinal cord to relieve the patients from pain. However, in contrast to the aforementioned, bioelectronics works by using the body’s peripheral nervous system.  The result of the treatment: loosening the airway of someone suffering from asthma, for example, or stimulating cells to produce insulin for patients with type 2 diabetes.

  • medication – leczenie
  • manage condition – leczyć objawowo
  • multiple – liczny
  • care for … – opiekować się … 
  • eliminate side-effects – eliminować skutki uboczne

Many chronically ill patients have to take daily medication for the rest of their lives – medication that manages the condition rather than cures it, and that can be accompanied by uncomfortable side effects. The need to remember to take medication daily (particularly if multiple tablets are involved) can be stressful, especially for older patients and those caring for them. A bioelectronic implant may remove that daily stress as well as eliminate the side-effects.

  • launch a new company – tutaj: założyć …
  • bring about the promise – zrealizować obietnicę
  • bring to the venture – wnieść do spółki / przedsięwzięcia
  • complementary expertise – dodatkowa / uzupełniająca wiedza specjalistyczna
  • encouraging – zachęcające / discouraging – zniechęcające

The newly launched company:  Galvani, will be working to bring  about the promise of bioelectronic medicines to patients around the world. Some founder brings to the venture deep scientific and clinical expertise, while the other invests complementary expertise: technological knowhow to create the small, low-power electronic implants. The results of the therapeutic concepts tested in rats are encouraging.

  • restore – naprawić / odbudować / 
  • reliably – niezawodnie

It is predicted that in several cases implant  will be able to completely restore the nervous system to a healthy state, in others, the implant may quietly and reliably continue doing its work over long periods of time. “They will be designed so that they can reliably operate for several years,” says Kris Famm, Galvani’s president.

  • 0:32′ grow immensely – dokonać ogromnego postępu
  • 0:43′ harness – opanowywać / wykorzystywać
  • 1:38′ trigger activity – wywołać / stymulować aktywność / działanie
  • 1:50′ alternatively – opcjonalnie
  • 2:28′ constriction of airways – uciskanie / obkurczanie / zwężenie dróg układu oddechowego
  • 2:36′ obesity – otyłość
  •  2:46′ bladder – pęcherz moczowy
  • 2:47′ pancreatic function – funkcje trzustki
  • 2:50′ ovary – jajnik
  • 2:52′ infertility – bezpłodność

Watch HERE the amazing presentation of the bioelectric medicine opportunities

Moduł językowy inspirowany artykułem ‘The Future of Medfical Technology: Bioelectronic and Treatment of Medical Conditions’, opublikowanym na guardian.com


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authorize activity … Business / Law/ Medicine / Technology (4 Registered Users)

I haven’t heard from particular companies that they want to have that activity authorized– Nie znam konkretnych firm, które chciałyby aby taka działalność była dozwolona,  Greg Nojeim, the director of the Freedom, Security and Technology Project.

  • authorize activity – niezwykle często używane obecnie wyrażenie…w kilku bliskoznacznych kontekstach: umożliwić działanie/ zezwolić na działanie/ legitymizować/ zalegalizować, etc.

W biznesie:

  • This is not the activity that our company will authorize as it might be dangerous to our image – To nie jest działalność na którą nasza firma wyrazi zgodę, ponieważ może działać na szkodę naszego wizerunku.
  • If the management authorizes this activity, we will benefit from it for the years to come – Jeśli zarząd wyrazi zgodę na to działanie, firma skorzysta na tym przez lata.


The system is designed in such a way that it doesn’t authorize the activity which may be dangerous to the users System jest zaprojektowany w taki sposób, że nie zezwala na działalność, która może być niebezpieczna dla użytkowników.


The policemen are authorized to carry out any activity which will stop the violence from spreading – Policja ma zezwolenie na prowadzenie wszelkich dzialań, które zatrzymają rozprzestrzenianie się przemocy.

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Job Market – GREAT Vocabulary. Business (4 Registered Users)

  • admit – przyznać
  • delay payment of the salaries- opóźnić wypłaty pensji
  • reduction of profitability – obniżenie rentowności
  • closing of routes – zamknięcie połączeń
  • adjustment of frequencies – zmiany/ dopasowania w częstotliwości

Hong Kong Arlines admitted  that it had been forced to delay payment of salaries to almost half of its employees due to the reduction of profitability, closing of some routes and the adjustment of frequencies on others. The business has been severely affected by the political unrest.

  • social turmoil – niepokoje społeczne
  • weak demand – niski popyt / małe zapotrzebowanie
  • affect seriously – mieć poważny wpływ

Hong Kong Airlines later said that the continuing social turmoil and the continued weak travel demand were seriously affecting the company’s business. The Company depends directly on the ticket sales for the distribution of salaries: it  largely relies on the revenue from ticket sales to get by.

  • inconvenience- niedogodności
  • overseas employees – zagraniczni pracownicy
  • discontinue – przerwać, tutaj: usunąć/ zrezygnować z …
  • with the power to shut down carriers – mający prawo zamknięcia/ wyłączenia przewoźników

The company apologized to all personnel who didn’t receive the payment of salaries for the inconvenience that it caused.  The airlines also stressed that staff will still provide customers with safe and smooth services in a professional manner.

Overseas employees will be exempted from this delay. Hong Kong Airlines will discontinue some of its  scheduled North American and China continental flights.  The Air Licensing Transport Authority, the body with the power to shut down carriers, warned in late October that it would impose measures on the Airlines if the airline’s financial situation did not improve.

Przyimki, które pojawiły się w tekście:

due to … – ze względu na / z powodu … There are many foreigners learning to fly and become a pilot in Poland due to the fact that obtaining licence is significantly cheaper here.

depend on … – zależeć od … Pilot’s salary depends largely on the job experience, skills and ratings.

rely on … – polegać na … There are more and more airlines which rely on their academies to build up the skills of their future pilots.

apologize to … for …przeprosić … za … The company apologized to its personnel for not paying yearly bonus on time.

provide with … – zapewnić/ dostarczyć Airlines seem to provide pilots with excellent salaries and additional remuneration packages to make sure that they don’t go elswhere.

exempted from … – wyłączony z … No candidates, irrespective of their skills and experience, will be exempted from the recruitment procedures.

impose on … – nakładać na … (np. obowiązki, przepisy, kary) The airlines which impose lots of additional duties on their pilots and exert excessive pressure on them might soon face understaffing problems.

LINK do materiału video na ten temat

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collaboration/ knowledge sharing. Frazeologia. Technology / Law / Medicine (4 Registered Users)

Steve Jobs vision was to make the Apple campus , the place of collaboration and sharing of knowledge. The construction and maintenance is to be powered 100% from the renewable energy sources- Wizję Steve’a Jobsa było stworzenie campus, który stanie się miejscem współpracy i dzielenia się wiedzą. Zarówno budowa, jak i utrzymanie będzie zasilane w 100% energią pochodzącą z zasobów odnawialnych.

collaboration and sharing of knowledge- współpraca i dzielenie się wiedzą. To bardzo ‘trendy’ wyrażenia obecnie, zarówno w odniesieniu do indywidualnych osób, całych zespołów lub idei. Proszę popatrzeć na poniższe zdania:


Collaboration and open knowledge sharing is the foundation of the success of many IT companies – Współpraca i otwarte dzielenie się wiedzą jest podstawą sukcesu wielu firm IT.


Many patrons share their knowledge openly with the trainees – Wielu patronów otwarcie dzieli się wiedzą z aplikantami.


Effective collaboration of the whole team is indispensable for the success of the complex operations – Skuteczna współpraca całego zespołu jest niezbędna dla sukcesu podczas skomplikowanych operacji.


Efficient collaboration between the ATC controllers and the pilots ensure the comfort of flight – Wydajna komunikacja pomiędzy kontrolerami ruchu lotnizego i pilotami zapewnia komfort lotu.


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Tech and Political Methods to Control Internet in China. Business / Technology / Law (4 Registered Users)

3 minute introduction to the topic: ENTER HERE TO WATCH BBC short report on Internet Censorship in China.

  • 0:28′ I know we are suppressed but it doesn’t affect me- Wiem, że jesteśmy ograniczani (supress- ograniczać/ głębić/ tłamsić/ dominować) , ale nie ma to na mnie wpływu/ nie martwi mnie
  • 0:51 a challenge to American dominance – wyzwanie rzucone amerykańskiej dominacji
  • 01:00′- no mention of free Internet – bez wzmianki/ bez informacji o …
  • 01:41′ successful blocking – skuteczne blokowanie/ blokada
  • 01:56′ block and filter online content – blokować i filtrować treści umieszczane w Internecie

The Guardian article ‘The Great Firewall of China…’ quotes analysis: 

  • set out vision – przedstawić wizję
  • path of development – ścieżka rozwoju
  • interference in … – ingerencja w …
  • internal affairs – sprawy wewnętrzne

Xi Jinping, set out his vision for the future of China’s internet. “We should respect the right of individual countries to independently choose their own path of cyber-development,” warning against foreign interference in other countries internal affairs’.

  • devote resources to … – poświęcić/ przekazać środki na …
  • online content – treści umieszczane w Internecie

In recent years, the Chinese leadership has devoted more and more resources to controlling online content.

  • perceive as ….- postrzegać jako …
  • advance commerce and innovation – rozwijać handel i innowacje
  • accelerate political change – przyspieszać zmiany polityczne
  • powerful tool – silne/ cenne narzędzie

The challenge for China’s leadership is to maintain what it perceives as the benefits of the internet: advancing commerce and innovation, without letting technology accelerate political change […].  But the internet continues to serve as a powerful tool for citizens seeking to advance social change and human rights.

  • supplement with … – uzupełniać … (czymś)
  • play by Chinese rules – grać/ postępować według chińskich zasad

Throughout the early 2000s, the Chinese leadership supplemented technology with a set of new regulations designed to ensure that anyone with access to China’s internet played by Chinese rules.

  • follow Chinese law – postępować zgodnie z …/ przestrzegać chińskiego prawa

Internet censorship that called for Chinese universities to recruit internet commentators who could guide online discussions in politically acceptable directions and report comments that did not follow Chinese law.

  • impede economic growth – negatywnie wpływać/ niszczyć/ hamować wzrost gospodarczy
  • unreliable – zawodny/ niewiarygodny
  • rank … in the world for speed – zajmować … pozycję na świecie w kategorii/ pod względem szybkości

Growing control over the internet does not come without costs. An internet that does not work efficiently or limits access to information impedes economic growth. China’s internet is unreliable, and ranks 91st in the world for speed. As New Yorker writer Evan Osnos asked in discussing the transformation of the Chinese internet:

“How many countries have an internet connection to the world that is worse than it was a year ago?”

  • prize innovation – cenić/ nagradzać innowacyjność
  • at risk – w niebezpieczeństwie

Scientific innovation, particularly prized by the Chinese leadership, may also be at risk. After the VPN crackdown, a Chinese biologist published an essay that became popular on social media, entitled Why Do Scientists Need Google? He wrote: ‘If a country wants to make this many scientists take out time from the short duration of their professional lives to research technology for climbing over the Great Firewall and to install and to continually upgrade every kind of software for routers, computers, tablets and mobile devices, no matter that this behaviour wastes a great amount of time; it is all completely ridiculous.’

Powyższe cytaty, pochodzą z artykułu: “The Great Firewall of China: Xi Jinping’s Internet Shutdown’, opublikowanego na theguardian.com 29.06.2018. Link do pełnego, doskonałego artykułu



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Automation of the Process. Business / Technology (4 Registered Users)

There are several issues that the project manager has to bear in mind when they want to launch and supervise the development of process automation project.



  • command – tutaj: umiejętność, opanowanie tematu
  • supervise – nadzorować
  • combined of …  – składający się z …

You need to have the excellent command of the process itself which you probably supervised on your own so far. The processes which are to automated are usually combined of a number of sub-processes. They involve a lot of data and actions that you need to be fully aware of.

  • personally involved in … – osobiście zaangażowany w …
  • running of the process – przebieg procesu

‘Command’ here means practical knowledge so it is crucial that you as a manager do not know the problem just theoretically but you so far have been personally involved in practical running of the process.

  • undertake to … – zobowiązać się do … / podjąć się …
  • your are the one to credit or blame – to tobie będą przypisywane zasługi lub wina

When you undertake to automate the process make sure that you and your team have calculated the positive outcome in terms of finance: automation has to be profitable at the end of the process. Otherwise it makes no sense. As a manager you put your name under the project. So in the end you are the one to credit or blame.

  • generate substantial cost – generować znaczne koszty
  • plausible financial background – uzasadnione motywy finansowe

You need to be aware that at first the automation process generates substantial costs. There has to be a plausible financial background before the process is launched.

It only makes sense to automate the processes which will be used for a long time.

  • live up to the challenge- sprostać wyzwaniu

Of course, there is always some  substantial risk connected with the automation of the process, you need to be able to challenge and live up to it.

  • raise concern – wzbudzać obawy
  • redundant – zbędny/ niepotrzebny
  • willingly- chętnie 

And finally, you need to convince your team-members to actively participate in the project. It may be difficult because the prospect of automation usually raises concerns about the future of their employment. They may fear that they will be redundant once the process takes over their duties. So the point is to choose those processes which nobody is fond of, something that is a nuisance for the team. Then the staff will participate more willingly.

  • once the process is completed – gdy proces zostanie zakończony
  • assign – przypisać/ przeznaczyć, itd. 

You need to pass the message effectively that once the processes is completed they will have other, more creative tasks assigned.

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Dangerous Success… Business / Technology (4 Registered Users)


  • volume of sales – wartość sprzedaży

The volume of sales of the company’s most popular product goes up – Sprzedaż (wielkość/ wartość, etc.)  najbardziej popularnego produkt firmy rośnie.


  • work out the technology- opracować technologię

His ambition is to work out the technology which will change the smartphone market – Jego ambicją jest opracowanie technologii, która zmieni rynek smartfonów.


  • cutting-edge product – nowatorski/ rewolucyjny produkt

The launch and success of the cutting-edge product changed the fate of the company – Wprowadzenie i sukces nowatorskiego produktu zmieniły losy firmy

Full text:

  • the volume of sales – wielkość  / wartość sprzedaży
  • tiny fraction – niewielka część / procent / ułamek
  • cutting edge product –  nowatorski – rewolucyjny produkt

Apple: the leading company’s budget is dangerously based on the volume of sales of one product: i-Phone. iPod, Apple TV and  iWatch generate just a tiny fraction of what iPhone makes. According to the expectations of the customers and the declarations of the company, the new iPhone is to be a cutting edge product.

  • increasingly difficult – coraz trudniejsze
  • work out (develop) technology – opracować technologię
  • distinguish – wyróżnić / rozróżnić
  • acquire – nabyć
  • intruguing – intrygujące

But the strength of one product may sometimes become the weakness of the whole company.For the leading producers, the smartphone market is becoming increasingly difficult as it is difficult to work out the technology  and products which would distinguish the brands and make a quality change. One of the ways to keep leadership is to acquire  smaller players. There are a lot of speculations which companies the giants are going to take over next. Some of these rumors are really intriguing , i.e. the prospect of Tesla acquisition by Apple.

OLD but nice presentation of mobile/ smart technology prospects

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Czasowniki nieregularne przy kawie: Business Context (4 Registered Users)



  1. become- became-become (zostać/ stać się) He became the manager soon after he graduated from the studies (ukończył studia).
  2. begin-began-begun (rozpocząć/ zacząć) The manager began his career as a regular employee and gradually built his success (stopniowo budował swój sukces).
  3. break-broke-broken (złamać/ zniszczyć, etc) The mistake he made broke his career (zniszczył jego karierę).
  4. choose-chose-chosen (wybrać) The board of directors chose the strategy for the company for the upcoming years (na najbliższe lata).
  5. cost-cost-cost (kosztować- cena) The merger with the smaller company cost fortune.
  6. draw-drew drawn (wyciągnąć, np. wnioski) What conclusions do you draw from the feedback you received (z infromacji zwrotnej, którą otrzymałeś).
  7. fight-fought-fought (walczyć) The company fought for the contract and won the tender (wygrała przetarg).
  8. find-found-found (znaleźć) Despite the efforts, the management found no solutions to the problems.
  9. hit-hit-hit (uderzyć) Despite great competence, many women still hit the glass ceiling in the companies and are never promoted (i nigdy nie otrzymują awansu).
  10. leave-left-left (opuścić/ porzucić/ wyjechać) He left the corporation and decided to set up his own small business (założyć własną małą firmę).
  11. meet-met-met (spotkać/ także: sprostać, spełnić) The candidate met all the expectations and received the position (spełnił oczekiwania i otrzymał stanowisko).
  12. pay-paid-paid (zapłacić) The accountant paid the invoice on time (opłacił fakturę w terminie).
  13. sell-sold-sold (sprzedawać) The company decided to sell some branches and reinvested the resources (i reinwestowała środki).
  14. send-sent-sent (wysłać) The team sent the clear message to the management.
  15. take-took-taken (wziąć lub związki frazeologiczne) The board took the positive decision and the project was implemented (projekt został wprowadzony/ zrealizowany) .
  16. think-thought-thought (myśleć) He was so disappointed that for a moment he thought about changing the job.

Enjoy Marghera. Business (4 Registered Users)


  • hold – także: organizować/ być gospodarzem

Milan will hold the festival next year – Mediolan zorganizuje festiwal w przyszłym roku.


  • commute – dojeżdżać do pracy

Many residents commute from the suburbs – Wielu mieszkańców dojeżdża do pracy z przedmieść.


  • soaring rents – gwałtownie rosnące czynsze/ koszty wynajmu

Soaring rents deter many residents from purchasing real estate in the centre – Gwałtownie rosnące czynsze odstraszają wielu mieszkańców od kupowania nieruchomości w centrum.

Full text:

  • spin-off events – imprezy towarzyszące
  • indulge in … – zagłębić się w … / zatopić się w …
  • soaring rents – gwałtownie rosnące czynsze / koszty wynajmu
  • purchase real estate – nabywać / kupować nieruchomości

There is a number of spin-off events which accompany Milan’s Fairs this year. Some of them will be equally interesting and definitely more quiet.  If you want to avoid the crowd,  check Marghera where they will hold Feeding the Planet Festival covering ecology, environment, agriculture, industry. The stalls will be arranged in the futuristic and interactive way in contrast to the traditional backround of Venice architecture visible across the lagoon. Marghera is a fascinating place to indulge in also from the Italian social point of view. It’s not the richest who live here but those who left Venice due to the soaring rents when the nouveau riche foreigners, especially Russians, started purchasing the real estate.

  • commute – dojeżdżać do pracy
  • splendid – wyjątkowy / wspaniały
  • spirit is running high – nastrój / atmosfera jest gorąca
  • anthem – hymn
  • backyard – podwórko

Most local residents commute  each day to Venice to work there at the hotels and the restaurants. The town lives the Italian atmosphere in the evening when the locals return and start to enjoy evenings. Atmosphere is splendid  and the spirit is running high … the very Italian spirit as we know it from old guide-books…tree-lined streets with the stalls of vegetables, fruit and fish. packed local wine-bars, live reggae-jazz and rock musicians with the sound which becomes somehow anthem  for the glory of this local life style…

And finally… go back and enjoy true Venice from the backyard… like the Italians…

Watch HERE Venice from the backyard 😉